Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 87

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UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
  • MS 087
Biblissima authority file
  • 1200 - 1225
  • Latin
  • Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 087: Ralph of Flaix OSB, Commentary on Leviticus
  • Ralph of Flaix OSB, Commentary on Leviticus
  • Summary: CCCC MS 87 is an early thirteenth-century copy of the commentary on Leviticus by Ralph of Flaix OSB (d. 1157), in a very fine hand. M. R. James suggested that the provenance of the manuscript might be Worcester, although this was rejected by Ker. James also identified this manuscript as being the copy of Ralph of Flaix's commentary mentioned in an early fourteenth-century catalogue from Christ Church, Canterbury, although this identification is doubtful. The unusual binding of this manuscript, being of velvet with clasps and bosses, is characteristic of the 'Old Royal' library of Henry VIII. As a result of the fragility of this binding it has only been possible to image the exterior and interior of the covers and ff. 1-17r and f. 136r.

    Contents :

    1r-136v - Ralph of Flaix OSB, Commentary on Leviticus

    Note: (1r) Capitula in triple columns

    rubric: (1v) Incipit prologus domini Radulfi flauiacensis monachi in tractatu leuitici

    Note: (Bibl. Patr. Colon. X, Lugd. XVII, etc.)

    incipit: (1v) Cum inter sotios aliquando sermo

    explicit: (2v) quam perfidia iudeorum

    rubric: (2v) Explicit prologus

    rubric: (2v) Item alius prologus

    incipit: (2v) Tercius in moysi libris

    explicit: (2v) in populo tradit dispensanda

    rubric: (2v) Explicit item prologus

    Note: (2v) Capitula libri primi

    rubric: (2v) Incipit liber primus in explanatione leuitici. De holocausto bouis

    incipit: (2v) Uocauit autem dominus... Huius libri initium...

    Note: (2v) Large initial in blue and gold, filled with flat colours, yellow, blue, red, and three studs of gold

    Note: (9v) Liber II

    Note: (15v) Liber III

    Note: (21v) Liber IV

    Note: (28v) Liber V

    Note: (33r) Liber VI

    Note: (39r) Liber VII

    Note: (47r) Liber VIII

    Note: (54r) Liber IX

    Note: (61v) Liber X

    Note: (69r) Liber XI

    Note: (72r) Liber XII

    Note: (79v) Liber XIII

    Note: (88r) Liber XIV

    Note: (93v) Liber XV

    Note: (102r) Liber XVI

    Note: (108v) Liber XVII

    Note: (116r) Liber XVIII

    Note: (122r) Liber XIX

    Note: (129r) Liber XX

    Note: Ends

    explicit: (136v) ad filios israel in monte synai

    rubric: (136v) Explicit liber xxus explanationis super leuiticum Domni Radulfi monachi flauiacensis

  • Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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