This manuscript contains three different parts gathered by Sir
Simonds d'Ewes (b. 1602, d. 1650), 1st baronet, diarist, antiquary
and friend of Sir Robert Cotton. Two of these parts were written
and compiled by him between c. 1639-1643, they consist of
chronicles related to the history of Great Britain (ff. 1v-83r;
145r-217r). An imperfect Passionale written in the Benedictine
cathedral priory of Christ Church, Canterbury (1st half of the 12th
century), has been inserted between the modern texts (ff.
84r-123v). Contents:f. 2r: A title-page.f. 2v: A table of contents.
ff. 4r-20v: Anonymous, Chronica de veteribus Brittanis et
Anglo-Saxonibus (Chronicle on the Old Britons and Anglo-Saxons).
ff. 21r-35v: Chronica monasterii de Pipwell (Chronicle of the
Monastery of Pipewell). ff. 36r-53r: Pseudo-Nennius, Historia
Brittonum (History of the Britons). ff. 53v-64v: Gildas (fl. early
6th century), De gestis Brittonum (On the Deeds of the Britons).
ff. 64v-67v: Henry of Huntington (b. 1084, d. 1155), Historia
Anglorum (History of the English). ff. 68r-68v: Anonymous , De
regibus regnis et episcopatibus totius Angliae historia brevis (A
Short History of the Kings of the Kingdoms and Bishoprics of the
Whole of England). ff. 69r-71v: Anonymous, De regibus Brittanorum
Historia (History of the Kings of Britain). ff. 71v-74r: Anonymous,
Cronicum de regibus Francorum (Chronicle of the Kings of France).
ff. 74r-82r: Gerald of Wales (b. 1146, d. 1226), De vita Davidis
Menevensis Episcopi Historia (A History of the Life of David,
Bishop of Menevia). f. 83 is a modern page-title added by Sir
Simonds d'Ewes (see Watson, The Library of Sir Simonds D'Ewes
(1966), no. E72).ff. 84v-143v: Passionale (Saints Lives). ff.
144r-144v: A Latin inscription followed by a fragment from a letter
in English referring to the inhabitants of Dalham, 17th century. f.
145r: A drawing of king William the Conqueror followed by a short
bibliographical text. ff. 146-147: Two coloured drawings (see
decoration). ff. 148r-160r: Rotulus de viduis pueris et puellis.
ff. 161r-217r: Collectanea Historica with Simon d'Ewes's signature.
[ff. 1r, [2a]r, [2a]v, 3v, [20a]r, [20a]v, [35a]r, [35a]v, 82v,
[114a]r, [114a]v, [144a]r, [144a]v, [144b]r, [144b]v, 145v, 146r,
147v, 160v, [160a]r, [160a]v, [205a]r, [205a]v, and 217v are
blank]. Decoration:See the separate descriptions for Harley MS 624
ff. 1v-83r; 84r-123v; 145r-217r.