Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 146
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 146
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 0900 - 1199
- Language
- Latin
- English
- Old English
- Greek
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 146: The Samson Pontifical
- Professions and absolution || Profectiones subjectionis papae Romano ab episcopis et abbatibus electis faciendae
- Blessings and excommunication || Benedictiones perae et baculi et imaginum, et excommunicatio eorum qui ecclesiam Wigorniensem violaverint
- Order for a provincial Council || Qualiter concilium agatur provinciale prima secunda et tertia die
- Reconciliation of an altar || Reconciliatio altaris vel sacri loci seu cymiterii, qui fuerit pollutus
- Service of Ash Wednesday || Qualiter quarta feria in capite jejunii circa penitentes agatur
- Additions to the benedictional. Additions to ordination services || Recapitulatio benedictionum diversarum secundum ordinem Romanum scriptarum
- Service of Maundy Thursday || Qualiter penitentes in cena Domini in ecclesiam introducuntur
- Service of Maundy Thursday cont. || Benedictio olei et chrismatis
- Additional collect for the consecration of a church || Dedicatio ecclesiae
- Ordinand's oath to Bishop Samson || Professio subjectionis ab ordinandis
- Interrogatories to an abbot || Qualiter ad abbatem electus praelatione episcopali sit examinandus et consecrandus
- Oblatio pueri and music for the consecration of a church || Benedictio pueri in monachum
- Monastic profession, end of erased Index, and material for the consecration of a church || Benedictio pueri in monachum
- Consecrations, reconciliations, and blessings || Ordo ad consecrandam domum Dei omniaque sacra utensilia et vestimenta
- Ordination services || Ordinatio psalmistae, ostiarii, lectoris, exorcistae, accoliti, subdiaconi, diaconi et presbiteri
- Ordination of an abbot or abbess || Ordinatio abbatis et abbatissae
- Ordination of a bishop || Ordinatio episcopi
- Coronation service || Consecratio regis et reginae
- Professions of monks, virgins, widows || Benedictio monachorum et sanctimonialium
- Benedictional || Benedictiones episcopales per totum annum
- Exorcism || Exorcismus aquae tum gelidae tum ferventis ad judicium Dei demonstrandum
- Exorcism || Exorcismus panis ordeacei uel casei
- Blessings || Benedictio sponsi et sponsae
- Curses || Maledictiones
- see more
- Description
Summary: This manuscript is known as the Samson Pontifical because it contains an added formula for professing obedience in the presence of Samson, bishop of Worcester 1096-1112. The main part of the manuscript, a Pontifical and Benedictional, was made at the Old Minster, Winchester, in the early eleventh century. It contains a version of the second English coronation ordo. The manuscript had moved to Worcester by the second half of the eleventh century, where it received many additions and alterations. Scribes reponsible for these also worked on CCCC MSS 391 and 9. Hemming of Worcester, sub-prior in the time of Archbishop Wulfstan (1062-1095), also added text to CCCC MS 146.
Contents :
2-Jan - Professions and absolution || Profectiones subjectionis papae Romano ab episcopis et abbatibus electis faciendae
Note: In two hands
Note: (1) a. Profession of obedience to the Archbishop of Canterbury
incipit: (1) Ego .N. Wigornensis ecclesie electus
Note: (1) b. Another hand. Profession of obedience to the pope
Note: (1) c. Profession of an abbot
Note: (2) Form of Absolution
incipit: (2) Ipse dominus Ihesus Christus equalis patri
rubric: (2) Benedictio generalis pro cunctis fidelibus defunctis
6-Mar - Blessings and excommunication || Benedictiones perae et baculi et imaginum, et excommunicatio eorum qui ecclesiam Wigorniensem violaverint
rubric: (3) Benedictio pere et baculi
Note: (3) Hand like that of item 1a (1)
rubric: (4) Benedictio super imagines
Note: (4) Later hand
Note: (5) Excommunicatio
incipit: (5) Ex auctoritate patris etc. ... et Sancti Oswaldi archiepiscopi etc.
Note: (5) A new hand
Note: (5) Preces and Collect for Washing of Feet
Note: (5) Larger later hand
Note: p. 6 blank
11-Jul - Order for a provincial Council || Qualiter concilium agatur provinciale prima secunda et tertia die
Note: In the same hand as items 4 and 5
Note: Neumes. Initials plain red and green
16-Nov - Reconciliation of an altar || Reconciliatio altaris vel sacri loci seu cymiterii, qui fuerit pollutus
Note: In the same hand as items 3 and 5
Note: Neumes. Initials plain red and green
16-22 - Service of Ash Wednesday || Qualiter quarta feria in capite jejunii circa penitentes agatur
Note: In the same hand as items 3 and 4
Note: Neumes. Initials plain red and green
23-30 - Additions to the benedictional. Additions to ordination services || Recapitulatio benedictionum diversarum secundum ordinem Romanum scriptarum
Note: In a very pretty upright round hand
Note: The rubrics, after that given by Nasmith, are
rubric: (24) In consecratione uel restauratione altarium benedictio aquae
rubric: (26) Benedictio Byxis uel alius uasis in quo seruetur eucharistia
rubric: (26) Consecratio altaris et calicis et patenae corporalisque
rubric: (27) Oratio ad Reconciliationem clericorum
rubric: (27) Benedictio imaginis Sancti Johannis Evangelistae
Note: (two forms)
Note: (29) Ordination
rubric: (29) Archidiaconus sine casula procedens et nomina clericorum qui ordinandi sunt (re-written) pre manibus habens humiliter in Episcopum et his eum uerbis alloquitur
Note: (30) Hand changes on p. 30
Note: Rubrics in this section are in capitals
31-37 - Service of Maundy Thursday || Qualiter penitentes in cena Domini in ecclesiam introducuntur
Note: In the hand of items 3-5
Note: Marginal additions of cent. xii-xiii
37-50 - Service of Maundy Thursday cont. || Benedictio olei et chrismatis
Note: In the hand of items 3-5
Note: Marginal additions of cent. xii-xiii
51-51 - Additional collect for the consecration of a church || Dedicatio ecclesiae
Note: Another hand
52-52 - Ordinand's oath to Bishop Samson || Professio subjectionis ab ordinandis
Note: Hinc ex nomine Sampsonis episcopi Wigorniensis colligimus hanc partem codicis exaratam fuisse circa annum 1100
Note: A large hand
Note: (52) The words in presentia domini SAMSONIS episcopi occur
53-56 - Interrogatories to an abbot || Qualiter ad abbatem electus praelatione episcopali sit examinandus et consecrandus
Note: A hand which has not appeared before. Wigornensis ecclesia is mentioned: one form of profession on p. 53 re-written
56-62 - Oblatio pueri and music for the consecration of a church || Benedictio pueri in monachum
Note: In two hands
Note: On p. 60, in a good small round hand: part of the office for dedication of a church with neumes
61-62 - Monastic profession, end of erased Index, and material for the consecration of a church || Benedictio pueri in monachum
Note: At p. 61 the original book, of cent. x-xi?, begins. The upper part of the page has been erased and re-written (xi) with a paragraph
rubric: (61) De professione clericorum. Gregorius Petro subdiacono sicilie
incipit: (61) Ante triennium subdiacones etc.
Note: and a suffrage
explicit: (61) Ut hos fratres nostros ad sacros ordines promouendos in sacra religione conseruare digneris T. R.
Note: The rest of the page has its original writing, a table of contents beginning (imperfectly)
incipit: (61) Benedictio super regem cotidiana. Item alia Item alia lxxiiii
Note: ending with
explicit: (62) Benedictio fonti in quo aliqua neglegentia contigerit xcix
Note: This gives the contents of the present pages 282 to 298. The Roman numbers refer to items, not pages
Note: Followed by a later paragraph
incipit: (62) Hec sunt que ante dedicationem preparanda sunt
Note: Then in the original hand
rubric: (62) Missa pro edificante ecclesiam
Note: The hand of this part of the book is very fine. Rubrics in alternate lines of red and green. Neumes. Initials in blue, red, green, some with simple ornament
63-108 - Consecrations, reconciliations, and blessings || Ordo ad consecrandam domum Dei omniaque sacra utensilia et vestimenta
Note: The Greek alphabet is at top of p. 67
Note: (104) Some marginal additions (xi)
Note: Blessing of paten and chalice mostly re-written (xi)
108-123 - Ordination services || Ordinatio psalmistae, ostiarii, lectoris, exorcistae, accoliti, subdiaconi, diaconi et presbiteri
Note: In ordination of priests part of p. 121 re-written
Note: The items are numbered in Roman up to xviii. Benedictio uestis uiduae
123-128 - Ordination of an abbot or abbess || Ordinatio abbatis et abbatissae
129-138 - Ordination of a bishop || Ordinatio episcopi
138-150 - Coronation service || Consecratio regis et reginae
150-159 - Professions of monks, virgins, widows || Benedictio monachorum et sanctimonialium
159-301 - Benedictional || Benedictiones episcopales per totum annum
Note: Proper of Time begins
rubric: (159) Dominica IIII. ante natale Domini nostri Iesu Christi
Note: (159) Red and blue initial
Note: (204) A handsome red and blue initial (Easter)
rubric: (229) Finiunt Dominicales Benedictiones
rubric: (229) Benedictio de Sancta Trinitate
rubric: (230) Benedictio cotidie ad matutinum etc.
Note: Ending with
rubric: (238) Benedictio scrinii uel arce
Note: (239) Proper of Saints
rubric: (239) Benedictio in natalem Sancti Stephani protomartiris
Note: (239) Green and blue initial
Note: Includes Elphege Episcopus, Cuthbert, Ætheldrytha, Natalis Sancti Suuithuni, Translatio Sancti Suuithuni, Atheluuoldus (two), Translatio Atheluuoldi, Denis, Iustus, Birinus
rubric: (275) Finiunt Benedictiones in nataliciis sanctorum
Note: (275) Common of Saints
Note: After Benedictio in Anniversario festo aecclesiae (p. 280) a small blank was left at the bottom of the page. In this a rather later hand has written
rubric: (280) Orationes ad libros benedicendos
incipit: (280) Descendat quesumus
rubric: (280) Alia oratione
Note: (280) Initial A and one line written, then erased. It is completed on p. 323
rubric: (281) Benedictio super regem tempore sinodi
Note: The last is
rubric: (300) Benedictio salis et aquae ad pecora sananda
301-312 - Exorcism || Exorcismus aquae tum gelidae tum ferventis ad judicium Dei demonstrandum
Note: On p. 303 Halsung in Anglo-Saxon: others on pp. 304 and 308, 309. See Liebermann, Gesetze 401
Note: Cameron B12.1.2, B12.1.3
312-319 - Exorcism || Exorcismus panis ordeacei uel casei
Note: (314) Form of Exorcism for a possessed person begins on p. 314 without proper title
Note: (318) The old portion of the book ends in this, imperfectly, with p. 318
Note: (319) The text is completed on p. 319 in a hand like that of items 3-5 (but not the same, I think)
319-328 - Blessings || Benedictio sponsi et sponsae
Note: (319) In this same hand, ending on p. 322
Note: (322) At the bottom of this page is the first line of the prayer (ad libros benedicendos) which was begun on p. 280. It is completed on p. 323 by a pretty round hand which continues with
rubric: (323) Benedictio sanctorum Confessorum Ecgwini ac Oswaldi
rubric: (324) Benedictio nuptialis
rubric: (325) ad lectum
Note: and one erased
Note: On p. 326 another similar hand appears, no title
incipit: (326) Inclina domine aurem tuam ad me
Note: (326) At bottom, the following words, in a small hand with neumes
incipit: (326) Alleluia. Uox exultationis et salutis in tabernaculis iustorum
Note: On p. 327 a hand like that of item 6 writes (Apoc. xxi. 3)
incipit: (327) In diebus illis uenit angelus et locutus est mecum
explicit: (328) scripti sunt in libro uitae
Note: (328) A Collect in a large hand
329-331 - Curses || Maledictiones
Note: Probably in the hand of p. 327
Note: Two forms of cursing a thief
Note: (331) On the last page (xv-xvi): Mem. þat ther be lefte at mr northeleys xxxij bokes
Note: It is evident that the four leaves pp. 323-330 were at one time meant to be inserted after p. 280
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- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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