Manchester. The John Rylands Library, English MS 90
- Source
- Manchester Digital Collections
- Library
- The John Rylands Library
- Shelfmark
- English MS 90
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- end 14th Century/ beginning of 15th Century
- Language
- Middle English
- Latin
- Title
- Pricke of Conscience; Wycliffe commentary on the Lord's Prayer
- Agent
- Preferred form
- John Wycliffe (1330-1384)
- Role
- Attributed name
- Original form
- Wycliffe, John, -1384
- John Wycliffe, -1384
- Other form
- John Wyclif?
- John Wyclif
- John Wycliffe (1320-1384), et al.
- John Wycliffe
- Wyclif, Johannes
- Johannes Wyclif (1324-1384)
- Wycliffe, John,-1384, author
- Ioannes Wyclyf
- John Wycliffe -1384
- Wycliffe, John (-1384)
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Philip Mainwaring
- Role
- Former owner
- Original form
- Philip Mainwaring
- Mainwaring, Philip
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- James Crossley (1800-1883)
- Role
- Former owner
- Original form
- James Crossley (1800-1883)
- Crossley, James (1800-1883)
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Thomas Corser (1793-1876)
- Role
- Former owner
- Original form
- Rev. Thomas Corser (1793-1876)
- Corser, Thomas, Rev.(1793-1876)
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Bertram Ashburnham (1797-1878)
- Role
- Former owner
- Original form
- Bertram, 4th Earl of Ashburnham 1797-1878
- Ashburnham, Bertram Ashburnham, 4th Earl of, 1797-1878.
- Other form
- Ashburnham (comte d')
- Ashburnham, Bertram (1797-1878)
- Bertram Ashburnham
- Lord Ashburnham
- Ashburnam
- Comte d’Ashburnham
- Comte d'Ashburnham
- Quatrième comte d'Ashburnham
- Lord Ashburnham
- Bertram Ashburnham, comte d'Ashburnham (1797-1878)
- Bertram Ashburnham, Earl of Ashburnham (1797-1878)
- Ashburnham, Bertram Ashburnham, Earl of, 1797-1878, former owner.
- Bertram Ashburnham, 4th Earl of Ashburnham, 1797-1878
- Ashburnham, Bertram Ashburnham, Earl of, 1797-1878
- Ashburnham, Bertram Ashburnham, earl of, 1797-1878
- Bertram, 4th Earl of Ashburnham.
- Bertram, 4th Earl of Ashburnham
- Ashburnham, Bertram Ashburnham Earl of (1797-1878)
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- John Scott (1830-1903)
- Role
- Former owner
- Original form
- John Scott 1830-1903
- Scott, John 1830-1903
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
- Extent:
64 folios(v+64+v) Leaf height: 348 mm, width: 250 mm.
Blind-tooled brown morocco, rebacked, 19th century.
There are nine 4-, 5-, 6- and 7-line initials in blue ink with red penwork flourishes and infill on folios 2r,8r, 11r,14v, 19v, 26r , 37r ,51v and 61r
There are numerous 2- and 3-line initials in the same style.
Purchased by the John Rylands Library from the London booksellers J. and J. Leighton in 1908 for £54; invoice dated 6 July 1908.
Written height: 277 mm, width: 200 mm.
Collation of folios 2-65
Quire 1-78,
Quire 84(folios 58-61),
Quire 94(folios 62-65).
Secundo folio:Al holy writ (folio 3r).
Written in more or less current anglicana
Religion; Christianity; Devotional literature, English (Middle); Christian literature, English (Middle); Poetry, Medieval/ref>; Bible. English (Middle English) Versions Wycliffe
Known as the Corser Manuscript after one of its previous owners, this volume contains two works: the first is a manuscript copy of the Pricke of Conscience; and the second is an exposition on the Lord's Prayer attributed to John Wycliffe. The Pricke of Conscience is divided into 8 books with additions in Latin prose and English verse. Also contained in the manuscript, on folios 1r and 66v, are badly defaced accounts relating to payments to a certain Stanlou by parishes of the diocese of Vannes in Brittany.(1) 'The myȝt off þe fadur almyȝti ... þt for ous fouched saff to henge.' Ed. Richard Morris, The pricke of conscience (see Bibliography below). For this version in eight instead of seven parts, much as in Bodleian Library, Ashmole MS 60, see K.D. Bülbring in Englische Studien, xxiii (1897), pp. 23-8, and H.E. Allen, Writings of Richard Rolle (1927), pp. 388-93. The two points at which the largest amounts of Latin and English are interpolated into the text are: between lines 192 and 193, 440 lines of English verse interspersed with Latin prose (folios 2v-7v); between lines 6894 and 6895, Latin prose (folios 39r-41v, 46r-48v) and 563 lines of English verse interspersed with Latin tags and longer pieces of Latin (folios 41v-46v). After line 9474 come 112 lines of English verse (folio 61r, col. b, line 19 to folio 61v col. b, line 41), most of them taken from lines 6346-6401, which do not occur in their usual place after folio 37r, col. a, line 3. Part 8 begins in this section (folio 61r, col. b, line 29) 'Nou off þe viii part...'. At the end (folio 62v) is a note in Latin: 'Hoc nomen consciencia componitur ab hoc preposicione... agendorum et non etc'.
(2) folios 63r-65v, Exposition on the Lord's Prayer attributed to John Wycliffe, 'Sith the pater noster ys the beste preyer þat is... blisse and ioye with him with outen ende Amen.' W.W. Shirley, A catalogue of the original works of John Wyclif (1865), English 64. Thomas Arnold (ed.), Select English works of John Wyclif (1869-71), vol. 3, pp. 98-110. Cf. English MS 85 , item (2).
Foliated (i-iv), 1-70.
At St Albans in the 15th/16th century, to judge from a scribble on folio 1v: 'Iste sunt testes hugone Chattok Taylor of Sint Albons Wyllyham scheddebolt Bayly araunt dwelling in the same Tovne'.
Philip Mainwaring Inscription on folio 2r: 'Ph: Mainwaringe pre: 3s'. Probably Philip Mainwaring of Over Peover(d. 1647). Ker believes that the manuscript was included in the Mainwaring of Over Peover sale on 28 August 1837, either lot 497, 'Poetical Commentary on the Pater Noster, MS. on vellum, very curious' bought by James Crossley, or lot 498, 'A curious MS. of Devotional Poetry, Eng. and Lat. on vellum', bought by Crossley for £4; Crossley purchased Rylands French MS 63 in the same sale for £8 5s. A marked-up copy of the sale catalogue is in Manchester Central Library, SC 1837.
James Crossley (1800-1883) of Manchester, writer and book collector. His library was said to contain 50,000 volumes, including many rare tracts and manuscripts: see his entry in the ODNB. Crossley probably passed it on to his fellow founder of the Chetham Society
Rev. Thomas Corser (1793-1876), rector of Stand near Manchester, and literary scholar, 'the owner of a particularly fine library of early English literature formed with great judgement between 1840 and 1860' (Seymour de Ricci, English collectors of books & manuscripts, p. 150). His sale at Sotheby's 28 July 1868, lot 697; sold to [F.S.] Ellis for £39 10s, according to the marked-up copy of the sale catalogue at Chetham's Library (information kindly supplied by the Librarian, Dr Michael Powell).
Bertram, 4th Earl of Ashburnham 1797-1878 Ashburnham Appendix sale at Sotheby's, 1 May 1899, lot 165; according to Ker it was sold to F.S. Ellis for £39 10s.
John Scott 1830-1903 of Halkshill, Largs, Ayrshire, shipbuilder and engineer. His sale at Sotheby's, 27 March 1905, lot 1961.
- Extent:
- Place
- Preferred form
- England (United Kingdom)
- Original form
- England
- Other form
- Angleterre
- Angleterre (?)
- Angleterre.
- Angleterre ?
- Anglaterra
- Inglaterra
- Engeland
- Angleterre (Salisbury ?)
- Anglaterra (Salisbury?)
- Inglaterra (Salisbury?)
- England (Salisbury?)
- [Oxford?]
- [England]
- England, Norwich?
- England, Canterbury, St. Augustine's Abbey?
- England, Cornwall?
- England, St. Albans?
- England, North?
- England, York?
- England, Witham?
- England, Winchester or St. Albans
- England, Reading or Leominster
- England, Cirencester?
- England, Sherborne?
- England, Worcester?
- England, Bury St. Edmunds?
- England, Tewkesbury?
- England, East Anglia?
- England, Peterborough?
- England, Mercia?
- England, Canterbury, Christ Church?
- England, Canterbury, St. Augustine's?
- England, Winchester?
- England, Oxford?
- Flanders (possibly executed in England)
- England and Netherlands
- England, Canterbury?
- England, West Midlands?
- England, London?
- England, Crowland?
- England, Wessex?
- England, Reading?
- England, Northeast?
- England, Southeast?
- England, Ely?
- England, Winchester or Hereford?
- England, Salisbury?
- England, Oxford or Salisbury
- German (but made in England)
- England, South East (?)
- England. Peterborough (?) or Lincoln (?)
- Hereford?, England
- England, Durham ?
- England, Durham?
- England, probably Durham
- England, Oxford (?)
- England, possibly Oxford
- England (?Oxford)
- England, Durham (?)
- England, London/Westminster
- Unknown, possibly London and Cambridge
- Royal Chancery, London; Cambridge
- Engeland (?)
- England (II)
- I. England
- [Engeland]
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Rights
- Provided by The University of Manchester. Zooming image © University of Manchester Library, All rights reserved. Images and Metadata made available for download are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0). Images and Metadata made available for download are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0).