Utopia, armarium codicum bibliophilorum, Cod. 100
- Source
- e-codices
- Library
- Utopia, armarium codicum bibliophilorum
- Shelfmark
- Cod. 100
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 15th century
- 14th century
- around 1408-10
- Language
- French
- Latin
- Title
- Book of hours from Paris
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Maître de Boucicaut
- Role
- Illuminator
- Original form
- Illuminator: Boucicaut-Meister
- Other form
- Maître de Boucicaut
- Maître de Boucicaut (13..-14..)
- Boucicaut Master (?)
- Maestro de Boucicaut (?)
- Maître de Boucicaut (?)
- Mestre de Boucicaut (?)
- Boucicaut Master (active 15th century)
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Maître de la Mazarine
- Role
- Illuminator
- Original form
- Illuminator: Meister von Mazarine
- Other form
- Maître de la Mazarine
- Maestro del Mazarine
- Maître de la Mazarine
- Master of the Mazarine
- Meister von die Mazarine
- Mestre del Mazarine
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
- A book of hours following the liturgical custom of Rome in Latin, with a calendar in French and a selection of saints venerated in Paris. It contains 17 miniatures created in Paris around 1408/10 in the artistic circle of the Master of Boucicaut, one of the most influential illuminators of the early 15th century. The Master of the Mazarine contributed to the ornamentation, as did pseudo-Jacquemart, who belongs to an older generation of artists and whose contribution can be recognized in the famous Books of Hours of the Duke of Berry. The image of David was painted on an inserted double leaf; it can be attributed to a follower of the artist who illuminated the Breviary of John the Fearless.
- Place
- Preferred form
- Paris (France)
- Original form
- Paris
- Other form
- Paris (France)
- France (Paris)
- Paris ( ?) : cf. Hans-Collas ― Schandel, p. 326
- Paris ( ?).
- France, Paris (?)
- Lieu de copie : Paris
- France, Paris ( ?)
- France (Paris ?)
- France, Paris
- France (Paris )
- Paris (?)
- France : Paris?
- Chaillot
- France (Paris).
- Paris,
- Paris ( ?)
- Paris (?) (Hervieux éd. 1970, t. III, p. 176).
- Paris (?) : le ms. a été vraisemblablement copié sur le ms. BnF, Latin 347 C exécuté à Paris
- Paris (1378-1380)
- France (Paris ?),
- France (Paris?)
- Paris.
- Paris (vers 1375)
- Paris ( ?), peut-être avec influence méridionale
- Paris (Fichier Avril)
- France, Paris ?
- France [Paris ?]
- Nord de la France, Paris (?)
- Paris ?
- Paris?
- Paris Region
- París
- Parijs
- Paris (région)
- Paris (regió)
- Paris (región)
- [Paris]
- Paris (parts A and B)
- Paris, for the Archdiocese of Bamberg
- P. Mauritius Enk, OSB St. Gall in Paris
- Paris, Jesuit Collège de Clermont
- Paris, Collège des Cholets
- Paris, Jesuit College de Clermont
- Paris, Collège de Navarre
- Paris Jesuit College de Clermont
- Paris, Jesuit College de Cleremont
- Paris, France
- Paris (FR)
- [Paris (FR)]
- Paris (II)
- [Paris,
- [Paris],
- [Paris
- [Parijs]
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Rights
- e-codices - Virtual Manuscript Library of Switzerland
- Digitisation