Seven wooden tablets, bound together each between two later-added
front and back paper guard leaves; the first tablet is filled only
on the verso side with black-dyed wax, the following five are
filled on both sides, the last is not filled. The format of the
wooden tablets without the paper reinforcements is 14.8 x 8 cm.
According to Wilhelm Wattenbach (in: Anzeiger für Kunde der
deutschen Vorzeit 1873, p. 79f.), the tablets probably are
“Bruchstücke des Taschenbuchs eines Klosterbeamten aus dem 15.
Jahrh.” (pieces of the broken pocket book of a monastery official
from the 15th century); several Latin and German words (partly
upside-down) can be guessed.
Preferred form
Abbey of St. Gall (Switzerland) (?)
Original form
St. Gall (?)
e-codices - Virtual Manuscript Library of Switzerland