Oxford. St. John's College, MS 154
- Source
- Digital Bodleian (Oxford University)
- Library
- Oxford. St. John's College
- Shelfmark
- St John's College MS 154
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1000–1100
- Language
- Latin
- Old English
- Title
- Grammar & Colloquies
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Aelfric (0955?-1020?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Ælfric of Eynsham
- Other form
- Aelfric (0955?-1020?)
- Aelfricus Eyneshamensis
- Aelfric, Abbot of Eynsham
- Ælfric of Eynsham, c 955-c 1010, Abbot of Eynsham
- Ælfric OSB
- þlfric OSB
- #198;lfric OSB
- Ælfric
- IÆlfric OSB
- Īlfric OSB
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Abbon (0850?-0923?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Abbo of St Germain (ca. 850 - ca. 923)
- Other form
- Abbo Sangermanus (0850?-0923?)
- Abbo Sangermanensis OSB
- Abbon de Saint-Germain-des-Prés
- Abbo Saint-Germain-des Prés
- Abbo of Saint-Germain-des-Prés
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Ælfric Bata (09..-10..)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Ælfric Bata
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
- 11th century copy of Ælfric of Eynsham's Grammar of Latin in
Anglo-Saxon, possibly the first vernacular grammar of the language,
together with his Glossary of Latin terms, and a series of
colloquies to help practice in the Latin by his pupil Ælfric Bata.
Also an added text being a portion of book 3 of Abbo of St
Germain's 'Bella Parisiacae urbis'.
Provenance: 1. Durham Cathedral. 2. Coles, Christopher, fl. 1611 – donor to St John's.
Contents: 1. Ælfric, Grammar & Glossary (fols. 1r–160r). Contents: 1. Ælfric, Grammar and Glossary || a. Fol. 1r-146r: Grammar. || b. Fols. 146v–160r: Glossary. 2. Ælfric Bata, Latin colloquy (fols. 160v–198r). Ælfric Bata, Latin colloquy for beginning Latin Students (Sharpe, 27 [no. 54]), with sporadic Old English glosses from fol. 163 (most in the text hand, others s. xi ex.); 3. Ælfric Bata, Latin colloquy (fols. 198r–204r). Ælfric Bata, a further Latin colloquy, with frequent Old English glosses (almost all in the text hand, others s. xi ex.) 4. Ælfric Bata, Latin colloquy (fols. 204r-215r). Ælfric Bata, another Latin colloquy, with frequent Old English glosses (some drypoint) from fol. 207. 5. Ælfric Bata, Latin colloquy (fols. 215r-221v). Ælfric Bata, another Latin colloquy, separated from the preceding only by a red capital. About half of fol. 221v and 222v blank (but ruled). Added Text: Abbo of St Germain, Bella Parisiacae urbis, Book 3, lines 1-53 (fols. 221v-222r). Abbo of St Germain, 'Bella Parisiacae urbis', 3:1–53 only.
Hand: Items 1–5: Two hands, fols. 1–116v written in insular square minuscule; succeeded by a second scribe in the same, but writing fols. 160v–221v in caroline.
- 11th century copy of Ælfric of Eynsham's Grammar of Latin in
Anglo-Saxon, possibly the first vernacular grammar of the language,
together with his Glossary of Latin terms, and a series of
colloquies to help practice in the Latin by his pupil Ælfric Bata.
Also an added text being a portion of book 3 of Abbo of St
Germain's 'Bella Parisiacae urbis'.
- Place
- Preferred form
- England (United Kingdom)
- Original form
- England
- Other form
- Angleterre
- Angleterre (?)
- Angleterre.
- Angleterre ?
- Anglaterra
- Inglaterra
- Engeland
- Angleterre (Salisbury ?)
- Anglaterra (Salisbury?)
- Inglaterra (Salisbury?)
- England (Salisbury?)
- [Oxford?]
- [England]
- England, Norwich?
- England, Canterbury, St. Augustine's Abbey?
- England, Cornwall?
- England, St. Albans?
- England, North?
- England, York?
- England, Witham?
- England, Winchester or St. Albans
- England, Reading or Leominster
- England, Cirencester?
- England, Sherborne?
- England, Worcester?
- England, Bury St. Edmunds?
- England, Tewkesbury?
- England, East Anglia?
- England, Peterborough?
- England, Mercia?
- England, Canterbury, Christ Church?
- England, Canterbury, St. Augustine's?
- England, Winchester?
- England, Oxford?
- Flanders (possibly executed in England)
- England and Netherlands
- England, Canterbury?
- England, West Midlands?
- England, London?
- England, Crowland?
- England, Wessex?
- England, Reading?
- England, Northeast?
- England, Southeast?
- England, Ely?
- England, Winchester or Hereford?
- England, Salisbury?
- England, Oxford or Salisbury
- German (but made in England)
- England, South East (?)
- England. Peterborough (?) or Lincoln (?)
- Hereford?, England
- England, Durham ?
- England, Durham?
- England, probably Durham
- England, Oxford (?)
- England, possibly Oxford
- England (?Oxford)
- England, Durham (?)
- England, London/Westminster
- Unknown, possibly London and Cambridge
- Royal Chancery, London; Cambridge
- Engeland (?)
- England (II)
- I. England
- [Engeland]
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Rights
- Photo: © The President and Fellows of St John's College, Oxford. Terms of use: All rights reserved. Permission to reproduce images must be obtained from the College Librarian, but is not normally withheld for academic usage.