Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 6
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 006
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1400 - 1499
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 006: John of Tynemouth, Historia aurea, Part II
- John of Tynemouth, Historia aurea, Part II
- Agent
- Preferred form
- John of Tynemouth
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- John of Tynemouth
- Other form
- Johannes <Tinmouthensis> (????-1370)
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 6, dating from c. 1420-40, contains the second part of John of Tynemouth's Historia Aurea from the rule of Diocletian to the reign of Edward III, together with an anonymous continuation for the years 1343-77. CCCC MS 6 was one of several manuscripts (others include CCCC MSS 5 and 7, BL MS Lansdowne 375 and Cambridge UL MS Ee.4.20) owned and, in some cases, commissioned by William Wintershill (d. c. 1435) the almoner of the Benedictine Abbey of St Albans in Hertfordshire. An erased inscription in this manuscript is probably a copy of the material in CCCC MS 5 that relates how Wintershill donated the two volumes to the Abbey at his death.
Contents :
1r-299r - John of Tynemouth, Historia aurea, Part II
rubric: (1r) Incipit Liber 12 Cronicarum Johannis. De Sancto Mauricio cum sociis suis c. i
incipit: (1r) Dioclicianus incepit regnare
Note: (45r) c. 124
rubric: (45r) De Sancto petro alexandrino
Note: (46r) Liber XIII. c. i
rubric: (46r) De S. katerina virgine
Note: c. 58
rubric: (70r) De S. florencio
Note: (70v) At the end in a xvith cent. hand
Note: (70v) Hic Inc. 2us Tomus ut ibi scribitur Johannis Anglici
Note: (70v) Liber XIV. c. i
rubric: (70v) De gestis illius temporis
incipit: (70v) Romanorum igitur tricesimus quintus regnauit constantinus
Note: (113v) c. (124). Death of Theodosius
Note: Rubrics and numbers of chapters gradually cease to be added
Note: Much of this book is from Vitae Patrum
Note: (71v) Most of cc. 4-22 are wanting after f. 72v
Note: (113v) Liber XV. c. i. Arcadius and Honorius
Note: (145r) Prophecy of Merlin in verse
incipit: (145r) Cumque peragratis sub multis regibus annis
Note: (192v) Five leaves are gone after f. 199v
Note: (256r) There is a clever unfinished pencil sketch of a Mongol or Tartar on the margin
Note: No beginning of a fresh book is marked after f. 120v. The narrative is continued to f. 303v, the year being 1343
Note: It breaks off in the literae Edwardi delegatis pape et vicecomitibus suis (Hearne, Hemingford II 371) with the words
explicit: (292v) Nos ad instantiam (catchword) requisicionem
Note: (293r) a leaf added by Parker's scribes, and on it they have written the end of the chapter and continue
rubric: (293r) Scripsit quoque rex vicecomitibus pro eodem sub hac forma
Note: The text of this is given. Then follow heads of chapters, no text being given
Note: (293r) Qualiter papa scripsit regi Edwardo quod nuntios ut condictum fuerat non misit ad Curiam
Note: (293r) Qualiter rex Angliae asserit treugas per Philippum de Valesio a parte violatas, et ipsum monet de observatione illarum
Note: (293r) Litera Philippi regis francie missa reg. Scotorum ante transitum regis Angliae in Normanniam
Note: (293r) Litera regis fran. missa reg. Scotie statim post aduentum regis Angliae in Normanniam
Note: (293r) Litera missa Edwardo reg. Ang. ante bellum de Cressi per Philippum
Note: (293r) Responsio Edwardi
Note: (293r) De victoria regis Edwardi habita apud Cressy
Note: (293r) De bello fact. apud Dunelm
Note: (293r) De victoria contra Gallicos Thome de Dagworth diuinitus collata
Note: (293r) Qualiter papa post victoriam regi Ang. scripsit
Note: (293r) De captione Caroli de Blois et qualiter deuictus est
Note: (293r) Hec omnia clare scribuntur in libro Mri Price ( = Bodl. 240) et sequuntur multa de Johannis Anglici de vitis sanctorum ut habetur in martirologio suo et in sanctilogio suo et aliis libris
Note: (293v) blank
Note: Then follows a quire in one of the hands of the earlier part of the MS. containing a chronicle from 1343 to 1377 which is said (by Horstmann) to be the source both of the Chron. Angliae ed. E. M. Thompson and of Tho. Walsingham from 1343. It begins
incipit: (294r) 18(th year of Ed. III). Sub eodem tempore missi sunt ex parte Regis Angl. procuratores ad curiam romanam. Dominus Henricus de lancastria etc.
Note: Ends
explicit: (299r) que famam eius indicibiliter minuerunt
Note: (299r) In the lower margin in pencil is
Note: (299r) In spacio sequenti scribatur de prole et naturali progenie dicti regis / Item cathololgus virorum forcium etc. prelatorum et deuotorum virorum vidlt domino principe etc. De rege scottorum (??) de cant. archiep. et / de armachano etc. De Ric. heremita priore ... de beligtan (? berlington) etc./ Item de ffundaco mon. cisterciens. apud turrim (??) london. et minorissarumffratrum predicatorum apud langeley. sororum eiusdem ordinis apud darteford sutheg' (?)
Note: (299r) In the remaining line the 4th word seems to be Westminstre
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- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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