Toronto. Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, MSS 04286
- Source
- Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library. University of Toronto Libraries
- Library
- Toronto. Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library
- Shelfmark
- MSS 04286
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 17--?
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Collection of Marian antiphons and canticles
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Église catholique
- Original form
- Catholic Church
- Other form
- Église catholique
- Catholic Church.
- Iglesia Católica
- Igreja Católica
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
- Extent:
[31] leaves.
Bound in dark brown leather over paper or parchment pasted to beveled wooden boards; boards detached. Remains of brass corner pieces on lower board. Line image of a figure with raised right hand tooled in blind on upper board; a cross with the word 'Orae' tooled in blind on lower board.
Imitative of a late Italian Gothica textualis script.
Leaves [1]-[2] and [22]-[31] blank.
Written in Latin in black ink with flourished two-line initials in blue and red ink, marking text divisions. Single-line capitals in alternating red and blue occur approximately every other line. All initials, capitals, and fillers unrealized after leaf [12v].
No pricking, ruling, quire signatures or catchwords evident.
Date of creation inferred from the presence of two hymns 'Rex Christe virtus fortium' and 'O quot undis lachrimarum', both composed in the 18th century.
Title from contents. Principally, though not exclusively, a collection of Marian antiphons used at different Divine Offices.
Previously housed in MS Coll 00045, item 62-90 -
Purchase; Charles F. Worel; 1952; MS.15.096.
Catholic Church Italy
Catholic Church Prayers and devotions Early works to 1800
Manuscripts, Latin
Books of hours--Manuscripts--Texts
- Extent:
- Place
- Preferred form
- Italy
- Original form
- Italy
- Other form
- Italie
- Italie (?)
- Italie (Toscane?)
- Italie (Venise ?).
- Italie ?
- Italie (région de Venise ?).
- Italie (Florence ?)
- Italie,
- Italie.
- Itàlia
- Italien
- Italia
- Italië
- Italie (Toscane ?)
- Itàlia (Toscana?)
- Italien (Toskana?)
- Italy (Tuscany?)
- Italia (Toscana?)
- Italy (Verona)
- Italy (Naples?)
- Italy (Florence?)
- Italy (Naples?)(
- Italy (Rome?)
- Italy (Florence)
- Italy, Bologna (?)
- Italy, probably Naples
- Italy, Naples
- Italy, possibly Naples
- Italy (perhaps Bologna)
- Italy (Nonantola)
- Probably Northern Italy
- Padua or Venice
- Italy (Tuscany)
- Italy, northern (?)
- Italy and France (illumination)
- Italy and France (?)
- Most likely northern Italy
- Probably northern Italy (Verona?)
- [Italy]
- Italy, copied by Leon ben Joshua de Rossi of Cesena
- Italy [Ancona or Pesaro?], [copied by Joseph ben Nissim Fermi?]
- [Italy] copied by Samson ben Elijah Halfan
- Italy, Venice?
- Fols. 2-4: [Italy]
- Treviglio? (Italy)
- Fols. 1-98: [Italy]; fols. 100-302: [Italy]
- Rovere (della Luna, Trent?) (Italy)
- Ff. 1-64: [Italy]
- Italy, North?
- Italy, Bologna?
- Italy, Reggio-Emilia?
- Italy, Padua?
- Italy, Ferrara or Bologna
- Italy, Padua or Rome
- Italy, Ferrara?
- Italy, Genoa?
- Italy, Probably Padua
- Italy, Parma or Cremona?
- Italy, Padua or Venice
- Italy, Lombardy or Bologna?
- Italy, Umbria?
- Italy, Rome?
- Italy, Ferrara or Venice?
- Italy, Northeast?
- Italy, Bologna or Venice?
- Italy, Veneto, Venice?
- Italy, Rome or Naples
- Italy, South?
- Italy, Florence?
- Italy, Verona?
- Italy, Brescia or Padua?
- Italy, Ferrara or Padua?
- Italy, Venice or Padua
- Italy, Cremona Brescia? and Bologna
- Italy, Ferrara or Verona?
- Italy, Urbino or Mantua(?)
- Italy, Padua or Rome?
- Italy, Naples?
- Italy, North?, Siena?
- Italy, Probably Venice
- Italy, Venice or Treviso
- Italy, North? or French, South?
- Italy, Mantua or Ferrara?
- Italy, Rimini?
- Italy, Padua or Venice?
- Italy, Florence or Rome
- Italy, Northwest?
- Italy, North, Genoa?
- Italy, Lombardy or Verona
- Italy, Emilia?
- Italy, Venice or Verona
- Italy, Veneto?
- Italy, Emilia or Mantua?
- Italy, Northeast, Ferrara?
- Italy, Central?
- Italy, Genoa (?)
- Italy, Herculaneum(?)
- IT
- Italy.
- Italië (?)
- Italia (?)
- [Italien (Teil 1)
- [Italien ]
- Italien (II)
- Italien (II.)
- Italien (I)
- Italien (IV)
- Itália
- [Italië]
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Rights
- For rights and reproduction information please contact