Durham. Cathedral Library, MS. B.II.17
- Source
- Durham University and Cathedral Library
- Library
- Durham. Cathedral Library
- Shelfmark
- MS. B.II.17
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- end of 11th century
- [early 13th century]
- [before 1096]
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Index (Tabula)
- St Augustine, Commentary on Gospel of St John (In Johannis Evangelium Tractatus CXXIV)
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Augustin (saint, 0354-0430)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- St Augustine, Bishop of Hippo (354-430)
- Other form
- Saint Augustin
- Augustin (saint, 0354-0430)
- Augustinus (saint ; 0354-0430)
- Augustinus
- Augustin (0354-0430 ; saint)
- Augustinus Hipponensis
- Saint Augustin
- Augustin d'Hippone
- Augustin (saint ; 0354-0430)
- S. Augustinus
- Augustin, S.
- Augustin (sain ; 0354-0430)
- Augustinus (s.)
- S. Augustinus Hipponensis
- Augustinus Hiponnensis
- Augustin
- Sancti Augustini
- Sanctus Augustinus
- S. Augustinus (?)
- Augustinus episcopus
- Augustini
- Sancti Augustini
- S. Augustin
- [Augustinus]
- Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis
- Augustin (Saint)
- Augustin saint 0354-0430
- Agustí, sant, bisbe d'Hipona, 354-430
- Agustín, Santo, Obispo de Hipona
- Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo
- Augustinus, Aurelius, 354-430
- Augustinus (heilige)
- Author: Augustinus, Aurelius
- Translator: Augustinus, Aurelius
- Augustine
- Augustine of Hippo
- Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430
- Augustine of Hippo, 354-430, Saint, Bishop of Hippo
- Augustin (0354-0430 ; saint). Auteur des citations ou des fragments textuels
- Augustine (attrib.)
- St Augustine, Bishop of Hippo (354-430), author
- Pseudo Augustine
- Pseudo Augustine (Quodvultdeus)
- Pseudo Augustine (Patrick of Dublin)
- Pseudo Augustine (Jeronimus)
- St Augustine
- Augustinus, Aurelius, Hipponensis, 354-430
- Augustinus, Aurelius, Hipponensis, 354-430 (role)aut
- Augustin (saint)
- Augustinus, Aurelius
- S. Augustin
- Aurelius Augustinus (354-430)
- Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo, author,
- D. Augustinus
- B. Augustinus
- Agostino
- Augustinus Aurelius santo
- Augustine of Hippo, Saint (354-430)
- Augustine, of Hippo, Saint (354-430)
- Augustin d’Hippone (0354-0430) > Docteur de l'Eglise
- Augustin d’Hippone (0354-0430)
- Augustin d’Hippone (0354-0430) > Evêque
- Augustinus, Aurelius (354-430)
- Agustín, Santo, Obispo de Hipona, 354-430
- Agostinho, Santo, 354-430
- Agostinho, Santo, 354-430 > , co-autor
- Agostinho, Santo, 354-430 > , ant. bibliog.
- Augustin (05.. ?-0604 ? ; saint)
- Augustinus - auteur
- Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis - 354 - 430 - auteur
- Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis - 354 - 430 - oorspronkelijke auteur
- Saint Augustin d'Hippone
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
- St Augustine's In Johannis Evangelium (a commentary on the Gospel of St John) that was one of the group of books donated by William of St Calais, bishop of Durham (died 1096). It was created in Normandy towards the end of the 11th century.
- Place
- Preferred form
- Normandy (France)
- Original form
- Normandy
- Other form
- France (Normandie)
- France (Normandie ?)
- Normandie (?)
- France (Normandie).
- Normandie
- France (Normandie? )
- France (nord-ouest : Normandie ?)
- Northwestern France (Normandy?)
- França (nord-oest: Normandia?)
- Francia (noroeste: Normandía?)
- Frankrijk (noordwesten) (Normandië?)
- Nordwestfrankreich: Normandie?
- France, Normandy
- France, Normandy, Rouen?
- France, Norman
- Normandië
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Rights
- Provided by Durham Priory Library Project - a collaboration between Durham University and Durham Cathedral