Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 400
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 400
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1100 - 1299 - 1500 - 1599 - 1300 - 1399
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 400: Gerald of Wales, Topographia Hiberniae, Verses, etc. Verses from Canterbury Cathedral Windows
- Gerald of Wales, Topographia Hiberniae
- Gerald of Wales, Descriptio Kambriae, Retractationes, Catalogus breuior librorum suorum || Giraldi Descriptio Cambriae
- Gerald of Wales, De iure et statu Meneuensis ecclesiae; Verses || De Jure et Statu Menevensis Ecclesiae
- Verses from the windows in the choir of Canterbury Cathedral
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- Agent
- Preferred form
- Giraldus Cambrensis (1146?-1223?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Gerald of Wales
- Other form
- Giraldus Cambrensis
- Gerald of Wales, ?1146-1223
- Giraldus Cambrensis (ca1147-ca1223)
- Giraldus Cambrensis - ca.?1146 - ca.?1223 - auteur
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- Biblissima authority file
- Description
Summary: MS 400 is formed from four manuscripts, the first three of which contain tracts by Gerald of Wales (11461226). They contain an early thirteenth-century second edition of his Topographia Hiberniae with additions from the third edition; a highly flawed sixteenth-century copy of the Descriptio Kambriae; and early thirteenth-century copies of Retractationes, Catalogus brevior librorum suorum, De iure et statu Meneuensis ecclesiae, and Verses. The latter two texts in particular are good versions. The final pages of the manuscript contain a late thirteenth-century copy of the verses from the windows in the choir of Canterbury Cathedral which M. R. James identified as the source for the copy on a roll held by the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury.
Contents :
vir-45v - Gerald of Wales, Topographia Hiberniae
Note: On f. 1r is a late note erased
Note: (viv) blank
Note: (viir) verses (xvi) copied, in fine 3i libri.
Note: On f. 2v a map (in brown and green) of the British Isles. Aquilo is on L., Britain, Ireland and the Orkneys are shown, without any real attempt to give the outline: and no places are markedAn exactly similar map is in Arundel MS. 14 (Brit. Mus.). See Dimock, Girald. Camb. V, p. xviii
Note: It is MS. C in Dimock's edition (Girald. Camb., p. xiv) and ranks as a MS. of the Second Edition, but has many marginal additions and some inserted leaves which 'if considered an integral part of the manuscript' would make it rank as a MS. of the Third Edition
Note: The modern foliation omits what I have called ff. 1r-2v. I use it here
rubric: (1r) Introitus in recitationem
incipit: (1r) Consideranti
Note: (1r) Good initial, gold, with external blue and internal pink ground
Note: (2v) Capitula
Note: Text
incipit: (5r) Placuit excellentie
Note: (5r) Large initial. Pink ground within, Giraldus on L. tonsured, in purplish habit offers gold book to Henry II in pale pink and yellow, seated on R. with crown and sceptre. Small medallions in stalk of initial represent a fish, a bird and two beasts
Note: (17v) Distinctio II Centaur on blue ground in initial
Note: f. 24r-24v is added
Note: (31v) Distinctio III Shipful of men and women in the initial
explicit: (45r) a tanta maiestate fuerit iniunctum
rubric: (45r) Explicit
rubric: (45r) Omne tulit punctum qui miscuit utile dulci
Note: (red and blue)
Note: On f. 45v in another hand is the letter Guillelmo (?) Hereford. Episcopo (Dimock, p. 203) beginning
incipit: (45v) Lectis certa prodest
explicit: (45v) elegantior inuenitur
46r-87v - Gerald of Wales, Descriptio Kambriae, Retractationes, Catalogus breuior librorum suorum || Giraldi Descriptio Cambriae
Note: "imperfect and valueless" (Dimock, p. xiv note)
explicit: (84r) pro hoc terrarum angulo respondebit
Note: (Dimock VI 227)
Note: The lacunae are described by Dimock VI, p. xxv
rubric: (84v) Tractatum retractionum et cathologum librorum diligentia Giraldi compositorum in calce libelli de Cambrie descriptione digne duximus adiciendum
incipit: (84v) Quoniam itaque cunctorum habere notitiam
rubric: (86r) Sequitur de cathalogo et numero Librorum a giraldo compositorum
incipit: (86r) Occurrit hic igitur in primis tempore tenerior cronographia nostra
incipit: (87v) In historia anglorum libro quinto de Calixto papa scribitur
incipit: (78r) Vir quidam magnus in anglia dixit et assensit laborem mri giraldi multis ex causis commendabilem esse
explicit: (79r) et in nullo prorsus articulo ecclesie sue pro posse defecit
rubric: (79r) Ex quodam vetusto libro Jo. Price post descriptionem Cambrie
Note: (79v) blank
Note: Note: Volume II was reordered after James, hence the discrepancy between James and CCC foliation
88r-149v - Gerald of Wales, De iure et statu Meneuensis ecclesiae; Verses || De Jure et Statu Menevensis Ecclesiae
Note: There is no old title
incipit: (88r) Reuerendo patri et domino S[tephano] dei gracia Cantuariensis archiepiscopi
Note: Brewer, Gir.Camb. III 101
Note: This copy was not known to Brewer. It is noticed by Dimock V, xiv note, as being valuable. Like Vitellius E. 5 it contains only Distinctions I, II and VII of the work
rubric: (96v) Breuis subsequencium explanacio
Note: (red and blue)
Note: Brewer, Gir. Camb., III 117
Note: Most of p. 20 is blank
Note: The hand changes 21 (quire C) to a rather finer one, which continues to p. 113
rubric: (98r) Incipit dialogus duorum etc.
Note: Brewer, p. 119
Note: Some rubrics etc. are still in the hand of the quires A, B
Note: (109r) Distinctio II
Note: (121v) ending
Note: (121v) Distinctio III
Note: The first few words are given and then follows the note given from Vitell. E. 5 in Brewer, p. 186
Note: (121v) Distinctio VII
Note: Most of 113 is in the hand of quire A, ending
explicit: (145r) et indulgere curauit
rubric: (145r) Explicit
Note: (145v) blank
Note: The following leaves are partly in the hand of quire A, partly in other hands. They contain poems, printed from Vitellius E. 5 by Brewer, Gir. Camb. I, 374 sqq.
rubric: (146r) Epigramma metricum nuper editum ex uersu uirgiliano tanquam themate carmen incipiens
Note: (This title imperfect in Brewer) p. 374
incipit: (146r) Nocte pluit tota
incipit: (146r) Prodiit ex L. P.
Note: Brewer, p. 374
incipit: (146r) Pax datur hinc
Note: Brewer, p. 375
incipit: (146r) Vrbs igitur cesset
Note: Brewer, p. 375
Note: etc.
explicit: (146v) flectere regna suum
rubric: (146v) Explicit
Note: Brewer, p. 377
Note: The gaps in Brewer can be supplied from this copy
rubric: (146v) Epigramma Philippicum
Note: Brewer, p. 377
explicit: (146v) nosse sciat
Note: Paragraph in prose
incipit: (146v) Utinam autem emulus hic noster illud iniure scriptum interdum aduerteret
explicit: (146v) aut honor et dignitas auferatur
rubric: (146v) Explicit
rubric: (148r) Carmen tanquam epithalamicum
Note: Brewer, p. 378
Note: (147v) The end supplied on a slip
rubric: (148r) Carmen quasi comedicum
Note: Brewer, p. 380
incipit: (148r) Cum non sis albus albinus qua rationeDiceris. antifrasis nomina multa facit etc.
Note: (148r) Sentence from Ambrose on rebukes of friends. Brewer, p. 369
rubric: (148v) Carmen epitaphicum
incipit: (148v) Clauditur hoc tumulo
Note: Brewer, p. 381
rubric: (148v) Pro quodam crebris infortuniis grauiter afflicto
incipit: (148v) Semper adest homini
Note: Brewer, p. 354
incipit: (148v) Kambriagiraldum
Note: Brewer, p. 381
incipit: (148v) Incurrit culpam
Note: Brewer, p. 381
incipit: (148v) Id recolas lapidem
Note: Brewer, p. 382
rubric: (148v) Carmen magistri symonis de fraxino etc.
Note: Brewer, p. 382
incipit: (148v) Fons sine fine fluens
rubric: (149r) Breuis magistri Giraldi responsio
incipit: (149r) Florida fructifera
Note: Brewer, p. 384
150r-153r - Verses from the windows in the choir of Canterbury Cathedral
Note: A copy of the verses in the windows of Canterbury Cathedral. It was not known to me when I published the text from the Roll in possession of the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury (C. A. S., Verses formerly inscribed on the Twelve Windows, etc. 1901)
incipit: (150r) Prima fenestra moyses cum rubo
explicit: (153r) Approbat extractus latebris sit (fit) papa coactus
Note: The text is essentially the same, preserving exactly the same order, as that of the Roll: but one or two mistakes of the latter may be corrected from this. There are indications that the Roll must have been copied from this text
Note: The principal improvements of the text which I have noted may be given here
Note: p. 13 Fenestra prima, last line: Read
Note: (150r) Operuit celos gloria eius et laudis eius plena est terra
Note: Fenestra secunda, line 5:
Note: (150r) Qui sequitur me non ambulat in tenebris
Note: p. 18 Fenestra VI, line 9:
Note: (152r) Hii sunt qui credunt temptanti sicque recedunt
Note: line 18:
Note: (152r) Iob. Daniel. Noe. semen cecidit in terram bonam
Note: p. 19 3rd line from bottom:
Note: (152r) Hic iri factum etc.
Note: p. 21 lines 1-3:
Note: (152v) Dominus crucifigitur. Hic stater extractus precium datur in cruce factus Ludibrium turbe deus est eiectus ab urbe
Note: p. 24 line 13:
Note: (151v) tegit ecce mariam
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- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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