Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 117
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 117
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1300 - 1499
- Language
- Latin
- Middle French
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 117: Ranulf Higden OSB, Polychronicon (continued to 1378)
- Ranulf Higden OSB, Polychronicon (continued to 1378)
- Les noms des comtes barouns et baronettis pris et tuez par le counte de Northumberland || Les noms des comtes barouns et baronettis pris et tuez par le counte de Northumberland le counte de Dunbar et Mons. Henri Perci le jour du exaltacion du seint Croys a la battaille du Humbyldon-hyll lan du roy Henri IIII. puisse le conquest Dengleterre III
- Letter from Gerald of York to Anselm of Canterbury OSB || Epistola Gerardi Eboracensis ad Anselmum Cantuariensem
- Letter from Anselm of Canterbury OSB to Gerald of York || Responsio Anselmi
- see more
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Ranulf Higden (1280?-1364)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Ranulf Higden OSB
- Other form
- Ranulf Higden
- Higden, Ranulf, -1364
- Higden, Ranulf, d 1364
- Higden, Ranulf, -1364. Polychronicon. Selections. English (Middle English).
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- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Gérard (archevêque d'York, 10..-1108)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Gerald of York
- Other form
- Gerard of York
- Gerald, Archbishop of York
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- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Anselme (saint, 1033-1109)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Anselm of Canterbury OSB
- Other form
- Anselme (saint ; 1033-1109)
- Saint Anselme de Cantorbury
- S. Anselmus Cantuariensis
- Anselmus (saint ; 1033-1109)
- Anselmus Cantuariensis
- Anselmus
- Anselme de Cantorbéry
- Anselmus Cantuarensis
- S. Anselmus
- Anselme (Saint), archevêque de Cantorbéry
- Author: Anselm von Canterbury
- St. Anselm
- Anselm, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1033-1109
- Anselm
- Anselm of Canterbury, c 1033-1109, Saint, Abbot of Bec and Archbishop of Canterbury
- St Anselm
- Anselm of Canterbury OSB (attrib.)
- Anselmi
- Anselm, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury (1033-1109)
- Anselm Canterbury, Erzbischof, Heiliger, 1033-1109
- Anselm <Canterbury, Erzbischof, Heiliger> (1033-1109)
- Anselme de Cantorbéry (v. 1033-1109), saint, archevêque de Cantorbéry
- Anselmo, Santo, Arzobispo de Canterbury, 1033-1109
- Anselm, Canterbury, Erzbischof, Heiliger, 1033-1109
- Anselmus <Cantuariensis>
- Anselmo, Santo, 1033-1109 > , co-autor
- Anselmo, Santo, 1033-1109, O.S.B.
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- Biblissima authority file
- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 117 contains a decorated version of the text of the Polychronicon of Ranulf Higden OSB (d. 1364) copied in the last quarter of the fourteenth century. It contains a small number of marginal drawings. The text of the Polychronicon is littered with Parker's characteristic red chalk noting items of interest such as a mention of Oxford University and church affairs. In addition, the manuscript contains two items of the correspondence of Anselm of Canterbury copied from CCCC MS 135 and an account of the Primatial Council at Winchester of 1 April 1076 copied from Bodleian MS Junius 121, all in a sixteenth-century hand, and with an accompanying note as to the source of the texts. It is possible that these items, written on paper and added to the parchment endleaves, were copied for Parker.
Contents :
1r-160r - Ranulf Higden OSB, Polychronicon (continued to 1378)
Note: (1r) Table to the Polychronicon. Handsome initial and partial border
Note: (7r) Note on the ages of the world
Note: Text
incipit: (7v) Post preclaros
incipit: (9r) Ex senatus consulto censuit Julius Cesar
Note: (Rolls Edition I 46)
Note: (9r) Fine initial and partial border. The ornament throughout suggests cent. xiv late. Most of the books have some of it at the beginning
Note: (32v) Liber II
Note: (48v) Liber III
Note: (72v) Liber IV (no initial)
Note: (90v) Liber V
Note: (112v) Liber VI
Note: (129v) Liber VII
Note: Ends (1378)
explicit: (160r) Et quod dolendum est in manu continuacionem post ea habuerunt
Note: (cf. Hog's edition)
rubric: (160r) Qui scripsit librum sit benedictus in euum Dignus est operarius mercede sua
Note: (160r) Then, erased: Cronica quam composuit M. J. Carrik (?) mendaciorum summus compilator
160r-160r - Les noms des comtes barouns et baronettis pris et tuez par le counte de Northumberland || Les noms des comtes barouns et baronettis pris et tuez par le counte de Northumberland le counte de Dunbar et Mons. Henri Perci le jour du exaltacion du seint Croys a la battaille du Humbyldon-hyll lan du roy Henri IIII. puisse le conquest Dengleterre III
Note: In another hand
incipit: (160r) Ceux sount lez noms des Countes etc.
Note: At bottom a longer erased note of 11 lines
Note: 160v-165v blank
166r-166v - Letter from Gerald of York to Anselm of Canterbury OSB || Epistola Gerardi Eboracensis ad Anselmum Cantuariensem
Note: in chartis seculo xvi
Note: The Bury MS. from which nos. 2, 3 are copied is MS 135 in this collection
166v-166v - Letter from Anselm of Canterbury OSB to Gerald of York || Responsio Anselmi
Note: in chartis seculo xvi
Note: Ex libro MS. quondam monasterii S. Edmundi regis et martyris
Note: The Bury MS. from which nos. 2, 3 are copied is MS 135 in this collection
- Rights
- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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