Oxford. Bodleian Library, MS. Laud Misc. 163
- Source
- Digital Bodleian (Oxford University)
- Library
- Oxford. Bodleian Library
- Shelfmark
- Bodleian Library MS. Laud Misc. 163
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1400–1410
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Legendary (September / October)
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Walafrid Strabon (0808?-0849)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Walahfrid Strabo, 807?-849
- Other form
- Walafridus Strabo
- Walafrid Strabon (0808?-0849)
- Walafrid Strabon 0808?-0849
- Walafridus, Strabo 807-849
- Walafried Strabo
- Walahfrid Strabo
- Walahfridus Strabo 808-849
- Author: Walahfridus, Strabo
- Annotator: Walahfridus, Strabo
- Walafrid Strabon
- Walahfredus Augiensis abbas
- Walahfridus <Strabo> (808-849)
- Walafrid
- Strabo, Walahfrid, 808-849
- Walahfrid Strabo, (b. c. 808, d. 849), monk and theologian
- Walahfrid, Strabo, Reichenau, Abt, 808-849
- Walahfridus Strabo
- Walafridus Strabo, 808-849 > , coment.
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Bonaventure (saint, 1221?-1274)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Bonaventure, Saint, Cardinal, approximately 1217-1274
- Other form
- Bonaventura (saint ; 1221?-1274)
- S. Bonaventure
- S. Bonaventura
- Bonaventure
- Bonaventura
- Bonaventura da Bagnoregio(saint ; 1221?-1274)
- Bonaventura da Bagnoregio
- Bonaventure (saint ; 1221?-1274)
- Saint Bonaventure
- S. Bonaventure
- BONAVENTURA (s.), card. O.F.M.
- BONAVENTURA (s.), card., O.F.M.
- Author: Bonaventura, Sanctus
- Bonaventure (saint ; 1221?-1274). Auteur présumé
- Bonaventure OFM
- Jean Bonaventure (saint)
- Bonaventura <Heiliger> (1221-1274)
- Bonaventure, Saint, Cardinal (approximately 1217-1274)
- Bonaventure Saint, Cardinal (approximately 1217-1274)
- Bonaventure de Bagnorea (1217/21-1274)
- Buenaventura, Santo, 1221-1274
- Bonaventura, Heiliger, 1221-1274
- Bonaventura <Sanctus>
- Boaventura, Santo, 1221-1274
- Bonaventura - 1221 - 1274 - auteur
- Bonaventura - auteur
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Venance Fortunat (saint, 0530-0601)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Fortunatus, Venantius Honorius Clementianus, approximately 540-approximately 600
- Other form
- Venantius Fortunatus (saint ; 0530-0601)
- FORTUNATUS (s. Venantius), ep. Pictavensis
- Venance Fortunat (0530-0601 ; saint)
- Fortunatus
- Venance Fortunat (saint ; 0530-0601)
- Venantius Fortunatus
- Fortunati
- FORTUNATUS (Venantius), ep. Pictavensis
- Fortunato
- Venantius Fortunatus (saint, 0530-0601)
- Venantius Fortunatus (s.)
- Venance Fortunat saint 0530-0601
- Fortunato, Venancio Honorio Clemenciano
- Fortunatus, Venantius Honorius Clementianus, ca. 540-ca. 600
- Venanci Fortunat, sant, ca. 530-ca. 600
- Venantius Fortunatus 530-600
- Author: Venantius, Fortunatus
- Venantius Fortunatus, c 535-600, Bishop of Poitiers
- Venance Fortunat (saint ; 0530?-0600?)
- Venantius
- Venantius, Fortunatus, 530-600
- Venantius <Fortunatus>
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Pseudo-Venantius Fortunatus
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Fortunatus, Venantius Honorius Clementianus, approximately 540-approximately 600, pseudo
- Other form
- Fortunatus
- Pseudo-Venantius Fortunatus
- Ps. Venantius Fortunatus
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Ekkehard d'Aura (10..-1126?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Ekkehard of Aura, d. after 1125
- Other form
- Ekkerardus Uraugiensis (10..-1126?)
- Ekkehardus Uraugiensis
- Ekkehard <von Aura>
- Ekkehardus Uraugiensis - ovl. n. 1129 - oorspronkelijke auteur
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Jonas de Bobbio (0600?-06..)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Jonas, of Bobbio, Abbot, -approximately 665
- Other form
- Jonas de Bobbio 0600?-06..
- Jonas Bobiensis ca. 7. Jh.
- Author: Jonas, Bobiensis
- Jonas of Bobbio, mid 7th century
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Hilduin (07..-0842?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Hilduin, of St. Denis, approximately 775-approximately 855
- Other form
- Hilduinus
- Author: Hilduinus Sancti Dionysii
- Hilduin
- Hilduin de Saint-Denis (v. 775-85 - 840)
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Gennade (04..-0496?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Gennadius, of Marseilles, active 5th century
- Other form
- Gennadius
- Gennadius Massiliensis
- Gennadius (04..-0496?)
- Gennade (04..-0496?)
- Gennadus Massiliensis
- Gennadii
- Gennade
- Gennadi de Marsella, s.V
- Gennadio de Marsella
- Gennadius, of Marseilles, 5th cent.
- Gennadius Massiliensis gest. 492 bzw. 505 n. Chr.
- Gennadius van Marseille
- Author: Gennadius, Massiliensis
- Gennadius of Marseilles, 5th century
- Gennadius<Massiliensis>
- Gennadius <von Marseille>
- Gennadius Massiliensis sec. 5. ex.
- Gennadius, d. 496
- Gennadius of Massilia (d. c. 496), priest and historian
- Gennade de Marseille (04..-0496?)
- Gennadius Massiliensis, ?-ca 496 > , co-autor
- Gennadius Scholasticus - 5de eeuw - auteur
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Ursinus Locogiacensis
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Ursinus Locogiacensis ca. 690
- Other form
- Ursinus
- Author: Ursinus, Locogiacensis
- Konstanz, Ursinus von
- Ursinus von Konstanz (Ursinus von)
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- William Laud (1573-1645)
- Role
- Former owner
- Original form
- Laud, William, 1573-1645
- Other form
- Laud, William, Archbishop of Canterbury
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
- Provenance: Written in Germany, probably Würzburg, perhaps St
Kilian, as suggested by the inclusion of the Life of Burchard.
Würzburg, Domstift St Kilian (?): fifteenth-century foliation
resembles that of other manuscripts from St Kilian in the Laud
collection (MS. Laud Misc. 153, MS. Laud Misc. 155b, MS. Laud Misc.
157). William Laud, 1573-1645: his ex libris, 1636, fol. 1r. Given
to the Bodleian as part of his third donation, dispatched on 28
June 1639.
Hand: Textura by at least two hands (the second from fol. 275r). The life of St Rupert added in contemporary textus quadratus by a third hand.
- Provenance: Written in Germany, probably Würzburg, perhaps St
Kilian, as suggested by the inclusion of the Life of Burchard.
Würzburg, Domstift St Kilian (?): fifteenth-century foliation
resembles that of other manuscripts from St Kilian in the Laud
collection (MS. Laud Misc. 153, MS. Laud Misc. 155b, MS. Laud Misc.
157). William Laud, 1573-1645: his ex libris, 1636, fol. 1r. Given
to the Bodleian as part of his third donation, dispatched on 28
June 1639.
- Place
- Preferred form
- Germany
- Original form
- Germany, Würzburg (St. Kylian (?))
- Other form
- Allemagne
- Allemagne (?)
- Allemagne ?
- Deutschland
- Germany
- Alemanya
- Alemania
- Duitsland
- Southwestern German region (?)
- Germany (Trier ?)
- Germany (Gladbach Abbey?)
- Germany (Tegernsee?)
- Cologne (?)
- [Germany]
- Germany, Nuremberg?
- Germany, Erfurt?
- Flanders; Germany
- Fritzlar? (Germany)
- Cologne? (Germany)
- Germany, Augsburg?
- Germany, Eberbach, Cistercian abbey (?)
- Germany, Cistercian abbey of Eberbach (?)
- German, Eberbach, Cistercian abbey (?)
- Germany, Würzburg, St. Kylian (?)
- Germany, Würzburg, St. Kylian
- Germany, Lower Saxony, Corvey, Benedictine abbey (?) or Hildesheim, Benedictine abbey (?)
- Germany, Würzburg, St. Kylian or Niederaltaich, Benedictine abbey
- Germany, Eberbach?
- Germany, Murbach
- Germany, Lower Saxony, Corvey?
- Germany, Fulda?
- Germany and Switzerland, Constance(?)
- Germany, Hirsau?
- Germany, Reichenau?
- Germany, Rhineland?
- Germany, Europe
- Germany, Cologne or Lower Saxony
- [Deutschland]
- Duitsland (?)
- Germania
- [Duitsland]
- [Duitsland?]
- Germania (?)
- Deutschland (I)
- Deutschland (II)
- Deuschland
- Deutschland (III)
- Deutschland (V)
- Deutschland (I, III, V)
- I./II. Deutschland
- I. Deutschland
- Alemanha
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Würzburg Cathedral (Germany) (?)
- Original form
- Germany, Würzburg (St. Kylian (?))
- Rights
- Photo: © Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford. Terms of use: CC-BY-NC 4.0. For more information, please see http://digital.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/terms.html. Manuscripts from German-Speaking Lands: A Polonsky Foundation Digitization Project (2018-2021)