Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 340
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 340
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1500 - 1599
- Language
- Latin
- Italian
- English
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 340: Papers and Tracts of Reformers
- St Paul's letter to the Galatians and Ephesians translated from Syriac into Latin || Epistolae D. Pauli ad Galatas et ad Ephesios ex Syriaca lingua in Latinam conversae per Emanuelem Tremellium
- Martin Bucer, Confession on the Eucharist || Aphorismi D. Martini Buceri de coena dominica
- Martin Bucer, Contra dilationem baptismi || Contra dilationem baptismi per Bucerum
- Peter Martyr, Sermon against rebellion || Sermo Petri Martir manu propria scriptus in seditionem Devonensium
- Peter Martyr, Dialogue between the king and the people || Dialogus regis et populi per eundem
- Peter Martyr, Sermon against rebellion || Alter ejusdem sermo in seditionem
- Thomas Godwin, Sermon on the authority of councils and fathers || Sermon preached by Thomas Godwyne before the queen at Greenwich 27 March, 1556, on the authority of councils and fathers
- Disputations at Oxford, 2 April 1554 || Disputatio habita Oxonii 2 Aprilis, 1554, de reali presentia corporis Christi in eucharistia, respondente D. Ridley episcopo Londinensi
- Explication and answer to the three articles for disputation at Oxford || Prefatio et protestatio Thomae Cranmeri scripta et tradita propria manu prolocutori in schola publica
- Disputations at Oxford, 16 April 1554 || Disputatio Oxoniae habita 16 Aprilis, 1554, de reali presentia respondente Thoma Cranmer, opponente D. Chedsey
- Augsburg Confession (Articles 22-28) || Articuli in quibus recensentur abusus mutati [ejecto papismo]
- Pierre Alexandre, Apologia || Apologia Petri Alexandri adversus animadversiones domini Galasii ad reverendum patrem et dominum, dominum episcopum Londinensem
- Extracts out of the common law || Extracts out of the common law, which most exalt the popes power or seem any way most extravagant
- Martin Bucer, De reformatione collegii canonici [Argentinensis] || De reformatione collegii canonici [Argentinensis] per Bucerum
- see more
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Martin Bucer (1491-1551)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Martin Bucer
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- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Pietro Martire Vermigli (1500-1562)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Peter Martyr
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- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Thomas Godwin (1517-1590)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Thomas Godwin
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Pierre Alexandre (1498?-1563)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Pierre Alexandre
- Other form
- Peter Alexander
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 340 contains a collection of sixteenth-century papers, tracts and letters on theological issues from the Reformation period including pieces by Martin Bucer (1491-1551) and Peter Martyr (1500-62). There is material here relating to the course of the Reformation both in England and on the Continent.
Contents :
1-36 - St Paul's letter to the Galatians and Ephesians translated from Syriac into Latin || Epistolae D. Pauli ad Galatas et ad Ephesios ex Syriaca lingua in Latinam conversae per Emanuelem Tremellium
Note: No particulars of the source employed are given
37-52 - Martin Bucer, Confession on the Eucharist || Aphorismi D. Martini Buceri de coena dominica
incipit: (37) De sacra Eucharistia ut de omnibus Christi mysteriis loquendum est quoad fieri potest clarissime ac certissime
Note: 54 aphorisms ending p. 46
53-70 - Martin Bucer, Contra dilationem baptismi || Contra dilationem baptismi per Bucerum
incipit: (55) Iohannes primus baptismi minister (?)
Note: Ends p. 68
71-96 - Peter Martyr, Sermon against rebellion || Sermo Petri Martir manu propria scriptus in seditionem Devonensium
Note: Note by Parker: Hic sermo habetur anglice in libro Miscell. C. Hoc luctuoso tempore (MS 102. 29). Cf. Gasquet and Bishop, Edward VI and the Prayer-book, p. 242
97-112 - Peter Martyr, Dialogue between the king and the people || Dialogus regis et populi per eundem
Note: Italice
Note: Autograph
incipit: (97) Re. E possibile che con questi nostri tumulti
Note: See MS 102. 27. Ends p. 108
113-132 - Peter Martyr, Sermon against rebellion || Alter ejusdem sermo in seditionem
incipit: (115) Oratione perstrinsimus hactenus
Note: Autograph
Note: p. 132 blank
Note: pp. 133 and 134 missing
165-186 - Thomas Godwin, Sermon on the authority of councils and fathers || Sermon preached by Thomas Godwyne before the queen at Greenwich 27 March, 1556, on the authority of councils and fathers
Note: pp. 185 and 186 missing
247-264 - Disputations at Oxford, 2 April 1554 || Disputatio habita Oxonii 2 Aprilis, 1554, de reali presentia corporis Christi in eucharistia, respondente D. Ridley episcopo Londinensi
incipit: (247) Nunquam mihi contigit
Note: Printed partly from this MS. in Parker Society, Ridley, Appendix I
265-270 - Explication and answer to the three articles for disputation at Oxford || Prefatio et protestatio Thomae Cranmeri scripta et tradita propria manu prolocutori in schola publica
incipit: (265) Dominus et seruator noster Iesus Christus in sancta parascaeue
Note: Parker Society, Cranmer (on the Lord's Supper), p. 396, note
271-280 - Disputations at Oxford, 16 April 1554 || Disputatio Oxoniae habita 16 Aprilis, 1554, de reali presentia respondente Thoma Cranmer, opponente D. Chedsey
Note: Cf. Parker Society, Cranmer (on the Lord's Supper), p. 391
301-340 - Augsburg Confession (Articles 22-28) || Articuli in quibus recensentur abusus mutati [ejecto papismo]
rubric: (303) De utraque specie
incipit: (303) Laicis datur utraque species sacramenti
425-444 - Pierre Alexandre, Apologia || Apologia Petri Alexandri adversus animadversiones domini Galasii ad reverendum patrem et dominum, dominum episcopum Londinensem
incipit: Si tam essemus in nostra causa oculati
445-476 - Extracts out of the common law || Extracts out of the common law, which most exalt the popes power or seem any way most extravagant
Note: Printed in Parker Society, Cranmer II 68
477-576 - Martin Bucer, De reformatione collegii canonici [Argentinensis] || De reformatione collegii canonici [Argentinensis] per Bucerum
Note: Autograph of Bucer
- Rights
- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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