Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 437

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UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
  • MS 437
Biblissima authority file
  • 1200 - 1299
  • Latin
    • Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 437: Bible
    • Peter of Poitiers, Genealogia historiarum
    • Bible
    • Themata for Sermons
    • see more
  • Summary: CCCC MS 437 is a thirteenth-century portable Bible of small size and written in very small script, probably made in northern France. The manuscript begins with a heavily abbreviated copy of Peter of Poitiers (d. 1205), Genealogia historiarum (Compendium in genealogia Christi), and ends with a list of themata for sermons with a listing of gospel readings for the Sundays of the year.

    Contents :

    1r-6v - Peter of Poitiers, Genealogia historiarum

    Note: (1r) On the first six leaves is an epitome of Bible History to the Ascension with genealogies (names in medallions)

    incipit: (1v) Considerans historie sacre prolixitatem

    explicit: (5v) cum ioseph fuit electus inter dies ascensionis et pentecosten

    Note: ff. 5 and 6 have been misbound (6/5), while f. 5v is the explicit, the epitome continues to f. 6v

    7r-283v - Bible

    Note: (7r) Prol. a. Jerome ad paulinum

    Note: (8v) b. Desiderii mei

    Note: (9r) Genesis-2 Par.; no prayer of Manasses

    Note: (99v) Ezr., Neem., Tobit-Job

    Note: (119r) Psalter, Gallican

    Note: (131v) Prov., Ecclus. Oratio Salomonis

    Note: (153v) Ysa.- Mal. 1, 2 Macc.

    Note: (221v) Evv., Act., Paul. Epp.

    Note: (264v) Prefacio pelagii. Primum queritur

    Note: (265r) Laod. follows Col.

    Note: (269v) Cath. Epp., Apoc.

    Note: (277r) blank

    Note: (278r) Interpretationes nominum

    incipit: (278r) Aaron mons fortis

    explicit: (283r) Zorobabel ... uel iste magister confusionis. Aggeus et mt I

    Note: (283v) blank

    284r-296v - Themata for Sermons

    Note: (284r) Themata for sermons

    rubric: (284r) Dom. I in aduentu domini

    incipit: (284r) Cum appropinquaret ... Nota quod hoc ewangelium deseruit duobus diebus

    Note: (295r) The last (unfinished ?) is for Dom. XXVI Post pent., on Est puer unus hic

    Note: (295r) List of topics in the Gospels

    incipit: (295r) de diuinitate uerbi et genealogia ihesu

    Note: (296r) List of Epistles and Gospels. Proper of Time

    Note: ff. 297r-300v blank

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