Antidotarium and medical recipes, with some prayers and texts on musical theory
An antidotarium and various medical recipes, with some prayers and
texts on musical theory. Contents:ff. 1r-v: Psalms 18:2-15. Incipit
(f. 1r): 'Celi enarrant gloriam'. The bottom half of the page is
lost, with a loss of text from Psalms 18:8-10. Explicit: 'Domine
adiutor meus et redemp'. f. 2r: Prayers. Heading (f. 2r): 'Oratio
ad dispensandum medicinam'. Incipit: 'Actiones nostras quaesumus
domine aspirando preveni et adiuvando prosequere'. Includes also
two more prayers. Heading: 'Oratio ad temperandam medicinam'.
Incipit: 'Deus mundi creator et omnino arborum herbarum
metallorumque opifex'. Heading: 'Deus qui mirabiliter creasti
hominem'. ff. 2v-3r: A brief text on musical theory. Incipit:
'Monocordi divisio In capite prolambanomenos pone'. ff. 4r-v: A
brief text on musical theory. Heading (f. 4r): 'Cita et vera
divisio monochordi in diatonico genere'. Incipit: 'Dimidium
proslambanomenos est mese'. ff. 5r-52v: An antidotarium. Imperfect:
missing some number of folios at the beginning. Incipit: 'eris Si
quis ad pedum dolorem implicitus fuerit'.ff. 53r-55r: Addition by a
12th-century hand of recipes for medicinal salts, imperfect:
missing some number of folios at the beginning. Incipit: 'lere.
cerne. commisce. Et si volueris purgatorium dare'. f. 56r: A recipe
for salt. Incipit: 'Confectio salis sacerdotalis'. ff. 58r-63r:
Medical recipes. Incipit: 'Trociscus andronius. conficitur sic.'
Incipit (f. 64r): 'Trociscus proculi podagricis. Sanat autem
podagras seiaticos et est universalis ad omnes artreticos'. ff.
64v-67r: Recipes for oxymel (a medicine made by a mixture of
vinegar and honey). Incipit (f. 64v): 'Confectio oximellis ad
pectorum dolorem'. ff. 67r-v: Medical recipes. Incipit: 'Oleum
pulegium. Tolle pulegii flores'. ff. 68r-73r: Medical recipes for
treating headache. Incipit: 'Ad emigrami dolores in fronte
impositum eum aluta'.ff. 73v-82v: Medical recipes for making
plasters and poultices, ending imperfectly. ff. 83r-107v: Medical
recipes. ff. 107v-108r: An added recipe for an ointment by a
12th-century hand. f. 108v: A fragment from Marcellus Empiricus, De
medicamentis. ff. 110r-v: Recipes for ailments of the eyes.
Incipit: 'Ad caliginem et ad vitia oculorum vetustissima ad
scabredines et obscuritates'. f. 111r: A brief text on women's
urine. Incipit: 'Incipiunt urine mulierum puelle virgines faciunt'.
Decoration: Large and small initials in brown throughout, some with
penwork decoration. Large initials in brownish-red on ff. 68r and
74r. A quire of the 12th century (ff. 53r-57r) with initials in red
or green, and a drawing in ink (f. 57r). Large and small initials
in red or green on the page from Psalm 18 (f. 1r-1v). From f. 68r,
some highlighting of letters in brown.
Preferred form
France, Northern
Original form
Northern France
Other form
Nord de la France
Nord de la France (?) (Fichier Avril)
Nord de la France (?)
France (Nord).
France (Nord)
France (Nord) (?)
France (nord)
France (Nord : voir Faral, Bastin, Œuvres complètes de Rutebeuf, p. 26-27).
France (Nord de la France ?)
França (nord)
Francia (norte)
Frankrijk (noorden)
France (nord : Laon ?)
França (nord: Laon?)
Nordfrankreich (Laon?)
Northern France (Laon?)
Francia (norte: Laon?)
Northern France (Paris?)
France, North, Chelles (nunnery) or Jouarre (nunnery) (?)