Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 268
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 268
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1400 - 1499
- Language
- Middle English
- Latin
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 268: Walter Hilton OSA, Book of Contemplation, Devotional and Spiritual Tracts
- Walter Hilton OSA, Book of Contemplation, book 1 || Contemplations of maister Walter Hylton in two books
- Walter Hilton OSA, Book of Contemplation, book 2 || Contemplations of maister Walter Hylton in two books
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Walter Hilton (1343?-1396)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Walter Hilton OSA
- Other form
- Hilton, Walter (1343?-1396)
- Walter Hilton
- Walterus Hilton
- Gualterus Hilton
- Hilton, Walter, -1396
- Hilton, Walter, -1396 (?)
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- Biblissima authority file
- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 268, dating to c. 1450, contains a collection of Middle English devotional and mystical texts. An inscription records its ownership in the fifteenth century by the Augustinian nun, Elizabeth Wylby, of Campsey Priory (Suffolk). Of the texts in the book, two are anonymous, although one claims to contain extracts in Middle English from Henry Suso OP (1295-1366), Horologium sapientiae. The other texts are attributed to Walter Hilton (c. 1343-96), the Book of Contemplation, in two parts. Late in his life in 1386, Walter became an Augustinian canon at Thurgarton (Nottinghamshire).
Contents :
10r-54r - Walter Hilton OSA, Book of Contemplation, book 1 || Contemplations of maister Walter Hylton in two books
Note: A translation of his Scala perfectionis sive de vita contemplativa
rubric: (10r) That the inder beyng of a man shuld be lyke to vutward apperaunce
incipit: (10r) Gostly systre in Ihesu cryst I prey the that in callyng
explicit: (52v) be with the now and evir Amen
rubric: (52v) Here endith the fryst book of maister Walter hyltoun
rubric: (52v) Sit nomen domini benedictum in secula seculorum. Amen
Note: (52v) Capitula of book I (93)
98r-169v - Walter Hilton OSA, Book of Contemplation, book 2 || Contemplations of maister Walter Hylton in two books
Note: (98r) Capitula of Liber II of W. Hilton (48)
Note: Text
incipit: (99v) For as mykel as you coveityst gretly
Note: Ends
explicit: (169v) of swiche gostly materys thanne mytte ben in a gret boke
rubric: (169v) Deo gracias. J. S. Explicit liber secundus M. Walteri hyltoun
Note: (169v) After scribbles is: Md that I Elizabeth Wylby / (erasure) N... of ...ossee Gyffe thys boke(bottom of leaf cut off)
- Rights
- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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