Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 120
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 120
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1400 - 1499
- Language
- Latin
- English
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 120: Visitation injunctions. Cathedral Statutes (Canterbury, Westminster, Ely, Worcester, Hereford)
- Incorporation of Canterbury cathedral by Henry VIII, 8 April 1540 || Incorporatio ecclesiae cathedralis Cantuariensis per regem Henricum VIII. data 8 Aprilis, anno regni 32o, A. D. 1540
- Statutes of Canterbury cathedral promulgated by Henry VIII || Statuta ecclesiae cathedralis Cantuariensis facta per regem Henricum VIII
- Visitation of Archbishop Matthew Parker to Canterbury, 3 July 1570 || Thorder of the beginning of the visitation of the most reverend father in God L. Matthew archebushoppe of Canturbury in the cathedral church of Canturbury, the third day of July, A. D. 1570
- Injunctions given to the dean and chapter of Canterbury cathedral during a visitation by the king's commissioners, 1547 || Injunctions given to the dean and chapiter of the cathedral churche of Canterburie in the kings majesties visitation by auctorite of his highnes commission given to his majesties commissioners Jo. Masone, Ja. Hales, Symon Bryggs and Fraunces Cave, in the first year of the reign of our soverain lorde Edward the VI, &c.
- Injunctions given to the dean and chapter of every cathedral by Edward VI || Injunctions given by the most excellent prince Edward VI, &c. to the deans, &c. in everie cathedral churche of this realme
- Injunctions given by Archbishop Thomas Cranmer to the dean, prebendaries and preachers of Canterbury cathedral, 27 October 1551 || Injunctions given by Thomas archbishoppe of Canterbury, &c. to the dean, prebendaries, preachers, &c. of the metropolitical and cathedral churche of Canterburie the 27 daie of October, in the fourth yere of the reign of our soverain lord Edward the VI, &c.
- Statute permitting Elizabeth I to alter the statutes of the new cathedral churches || The statute wherby queene Elisabeth maie alter, &c. the statutes, &c. of the newe erected cathedral churches 1o Eliz
- Injunctions given by the commissioners of visitation to the dean and prebendaries of Canterbury cathedral, September 1560 || Injunctions given by Mr. Thomas Yale, Edward Leedes, Stephen Nevinson and Alexander Nowell, commissioners to Matthewe archbishoppe of Canterburie for his metropolitical visitation lately exercised within the diocese of Canterberie, to the dean, prebendaries, &c. of the same church the - day of September 1560
- Injunctions given during the visitation of Archbishop Matthew Parker to the dean and prebendaries of Canterbury cathedral, 1570 || Injunctiones datae in visitatione Matthaei Cantuariensis 1570
- Injunctions given during the visitation of Archbishop Matthew Parker to the dean and prebendaries of Canterbury cathedral, 1573/4 || Injunctiones Matthaei Cantuariensis archiepiscopi traditae decano et prebendariis ecclesiae cathedralis Cantuariensis in visitatione sua ordinaria et metropolitano. 1573/4
- List of stipends due to the dean and prebendaries and other ministers of Canterbury cathedral || The stipends dew to the deane and prebendaryes and to other mynysters of Chrystys church in Canterburie with the fees ordynary and extraordinarye takyn out of the tresorers boke by Mr. Milles prebendarie
- List of names of the prebendaries and other ministers of Canterbury cathedral || Nomina prebendariorum et caeterorum ministrorum ecclesiae cathedralis Cantuariensis
- Presentation of John Hill to a prebend at the collegiate church of St Peter, Westminster, 1564 || Presentatio Iohannis Hill ad prebendam in ecclesia collegiata S. Petri Westmonasterii per breve de private sigillo 21 Julii, 6 Eliz.
- Letter assigning John Hill a choir stall and place in chapter at the collegiate church of St Peter, Westminster, 1564 || Literae mandatoriae ut stallum in choro et locus in capitulo eidem Iohanni Hill assignarentur, 22 Julii ejusdem anni
- Statutes of the collegiate church of St Peter, Westminster || Statuta collegii beati Petri Westmonasterii a serenissima regina Elizabetha fundati, ultimoque mensis Junii erecti, 1560
- Register of taxable goods for the provinces of Canterbury and York || Registrum taxationis omnium bonorum spiritualium et temporalium provinciarum Cantuarie et Eboraci
- Bull of Gregory V concerning the sums owed by the English episcopacy || Bulla Gregorii papae V. de quantitate denariorum per singulos episcopatus Angliae solvend.
- Statutes of Ely cathedral promulgated by Elizabeth I || Statuta ecclesiae sanctae et individuae trinitatis Eliensis edita per reginam Elisabetham
- Injunctions of the commissioners of visitation to the dean and prebendaries of Ely cathedral || Articles or injunctions gyven by Thomas Yale and Henry Harvey LL. DD. commissioners of Matthew archbushop of Caunterberie, to the dean and prebendaries of Elye
- Statutes of Ely cathedral promulgated by Henry VIII || Statuta ecclesiae sanctae et individuae Trinitatis Eliensis edita per Henricum VIII. ejusdem ecclesiae fundatorem, tradita decano et capitulo Eliensi per Nic. episcopum Wigorniensem Geo. episcopum Cicestrensem et Ric. Cox mandate et nomine metuendissimi regis 20 Junii 36 Henrici VIII
- Letter from the bishop of Worcester, George Day, Bishop of Chichester and Richard Cox, archdeacon of Ely, 1544 || Letter from the bishops of Worcester and Chichester and Richard Cox, that they had sent them the book of statutes which they order to be publickly read and every one to swear to the observance of them: dated Westminster June 23, 1544
- Order of Robert Stuard, dean of Ely cathedral, concerning the nomination of certain room and offices, 25 November 1551 || An order devised and concluded bi thassent of Mr. Robert Stuard deane of the cathedral churche of Ely and the chapter of the same, concerning the nomination of certein romys and offices, 25 November 1551
- Plans for the building of the King's School, Ely || The boke of the erection of the kings new college at Ely, with the names and porcion of livinge assigned to the deane and all other officers appoynted for the accomplishment of the same
- Incorporation and foundation of Ely cathedral by Henry VIII, 10 September 1542 || Incorporatio et fundatio ecclesiae cathedralis Eliensis per regem Henricum VIII. facta 10 Sept. anno regni 33
- Royal charter concerning the endowment of the King's School, Ely || Summa cartae domini regis de dotatione collegii Eliensis contenta in quatuor paginis
- Letter of Henry VIII to Thomas Goodrich, Bishop of Ely, and others, 1542 || Letter of Henry VIII. to the bishop of Ely, sir Robert Payton, Philip Parys and John Goodricke Esqrs. directing them to assign proper dwelling houses to the dean, prebendaries and other ministers of the church of Ely, out of the buildings belonging to the late dissolved priory: dated Westminster 28 Octobris anno regni 33
- Assignment of chambers in pursuance of a letter of Henry VIII to Thomas Goodrich, Bishop of Ely, 1542 || Assignment of the chambers in pursuance to the above order
- Letter from Dr Cox and Dr Meye to Matthew Parker || Letter from Dr. Cox and Dr. Meye to Dr. Parker, on the affairs of the cathedral
- Valuation of all the possessions of the King's School, Ely || Valor annuus omnium et singulorum dominiorum, maneriorum, terrarum et possessionum, quorumcunque tam temporalium quam spiritualium versus dotationem novi collegii domini regis in Ely, in diversis comitatibus subscriptis jacentium et existentium assignatorum una cum omnibus foedis vadis pensionibus et aliis denariorum summis de eisdem sive eorum aliquo annuatim exeuntibus
- Decree of the dean and chapter of Ely cathedral for the distribution of £20 annually to the poor || Decree of the dean and chapter of Ely, for the distribution of 20£. yearly to the poor, made Dec. 8, 154-
- Inventory of the plate, jewels and ornament formerly belonging to the priory of Ely, 20 November 1541 || Thinventary of all the plate, jewells, ornaments of the churche, implements of houshold corn, catail and other things belonging to the late priory of Ely, now left in the custody of Mr. Robert Welles gardiane ther, made the 20 daie of Novembre, anno regis Henrici VIII. 31o
- Polydore Vergil, On the foundation of the monastery at Ely || De instauratione coenobii Eliensis et institutione collegii monachorum ibidem per Ethelredam Innae Orientalium Anglorum regis filiam, ex Polidoro Virgilio
- Excerpts from a history of the church at Ely || Excerpta ex vetusto codice ecclesiae Eliensis
- Foundation and incorporation of Worcester cathedral by Henry VIII, 24 January 1543 || Fundatio et incorporatio ecclesiae cathedralis Wigorniensis facta per Henricum VIII. 24 Januarii, anno regni 33
- Statutes of Worcester cathedral promulgated 1545 || Statuta ecclesiae cathedralis Wigorniensis facta 36o anno regis Henrici VIII. et tradita per N. Wigorniensem Georgium Cicestrensem et Richardum Cox archidiaconum Eliensem
- Injunctions of the commissioners of visitation to the dean and chapter of Worcester cathedral || Injunctions given by Richard Davies professor of divinitie, Thomas Yonge and Rouland Meyrigg professors of the laws and Richarde Pates professor of the commen lawes, visitors for quene Elisabeth to the deane and chapiter of Worcester
- Customs and statutes of Hereford cathedral || Consuetudines et statuta ecclesiae cathedralis Herefordensis
- Injunctions of the commissioners of visitation to the dean and chapter of Hereford cathedral || Injunctions given [by the same visitors] to the deane and chapiter of Hereford
- Statutes of Peterborough cathedral promulgated by Henry VIII || Statuta ecclesiae cathedralis Petroburgensis, data per Henricum VIII
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- Agent
- Preferred form
- Grégoire V (pape, 09..-0999)
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- Gregory V
- Other form
- Grégoire V (09..-0999 ; pape)
- Grégoire V
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- Preferred form
- George Day (1502?-1556)
- Role
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- George Day, Bishop of Chichester
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- Preferred form
- Richard Cox (1500-1581)
- Role
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- Original form
- Richard Cox, archdeacon of Ely
- Other form
- Richard Cox
- Dr Cox
- Richard Cox, bishop of Ely
- Bishop Cox of Ely
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- Preferred form
- Robert Steward (15..?-1557)
- Role
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- Robert Stuard, dean of Ely cathedral
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- Preferred form
- Henri VIII (roi d'Angleterre et d'Irlande, 1491-1547)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Henry VIII
- Other form
- Henri VIII (1491-1547 ; roi d'Angleterre et d'Irlande)
- Henri VIII
- Henry VIII (roi d'Angleterre et d'Irlande ; 1491-1547)
- Henry VIII, King of England
- Henry VIII, King of England, 1491-1547
- King Henry VIII
- Henrici regis Anglie
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- William May (1505?-1560)
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- Dr Meye
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- Preferred form
- Polidoro Vergilio (1470?-1555)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Polydore Vergil
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- Description
Summary: MS 120 contains a wide variety of documents including a number of visitation injunctions and cathedral statutes relating to a number of cathedrals including Canterbury, Westminster, Ely, Worcester, Hereford, York, and Peterborough. This collection provides a great deal of information regarding the organisation of English cathedrals and the development of the Church of England in the sixteenth century.
Contents :
1-14 - Incorporation of Canterbury cathedral by Henry VIII, 8 April 1540 || Incorporatio ecclesiae cathedralis Cantuariensis per regem Henricum VIII. data 8 Aprilis, anno regni 32o, A. D. 1540
Note: Items 1-12 form a separate volume
Note: Title in Cranmer's hand
15-54 - Statutes of Canterbury cathedral promulgated by Henry VIII || Statuta ecclesiae cathedralis Cantuariensis facta per regem Henricum VIII
Note: The Statutes are identical with those for Ely (no. 20), Worcester (no. 35), Peterborough (no. 39) except for a section on the Six Preachers. Title on p. 50 in Cranmer's hand
54a-54d - Visitation of Archbishop Matthew Parker to Canterbury, 3 July 1570 || Thorder of the beginning of the visitation of the most reverend father in God L. Matthew archebushoppe of Canturbury in the cathedral church of Canturbury, the third day of July, A. D. 1570
Note: Cf. Strype, Parker I 303
55-62 - Injunctions given to the dean and chapter of Canterbury cathedral during a visitation by the king's commissioners, 1547 || Injunctions given to the dean and chapiter of the cathedral churche of Canterburie in the kings majesties visitation by auctorite of his highnes commission given to his majesties commissioners Jo. Masone, Ja. Hales, Symon Bryggs and Fraunces Cave, in the first year of the reign of our soverain lorde Edward the VI, &c.
Note: Cf. Dixon, History II. 428. Frere, Visitation Articles II 140
63-67 - Injunctions given to the dean and chapter of every cathedral by Edward VI || Injunctions given by the most excellent prince Edward VI, &c. to the deans, &c. in everie cathedral churche of this realme
Note: Frere, Visitation Articles II 135
68-69 - Injunctions given by Archbishop Thomas Cranmer to the dean, prebendaries and preachers of Canterbury cathedral, 27 October 1551 || Injunctions given by Thomas archbishoppe of Canterbury, &c. to the dean, prebendaries, preachers, &c. of the metropolitical and cathedral churche of Canterburie the 27 daie of October, in the fourth yere of the reign of our soverain lord Edward the VI, &c.
Note: Parker Society Cranmer II, Remains p. 161. Frere, Visitation Articles II 251
70-70 - Statute permitting Elizabeth I to alter the statutes of the new cathedral churches || The statute wherby queene Elisabeth maie alter, &c. the statutes, &c. of the newe erected cathedral churches 1o Eliz
70a-70b - Injunctions given by the commissioners of visitation to the dean and prebendaries of Canterbury cathedral, September 1560 || Injunctions given by Mr. Thomas Yale, Edward Leedes, Stephen Nevinson and Alexander Nowell, commissioners to Matthewe archbishoppe of Canterburie for his metropolitical visitation lately exercised within the diocese of Canterberie, to the dean, prebendaries, &c. of the same church the - day of September 1560
Note: Frere, Visitation Articles II 251, III 78
70c-70f - Injunctions given during the visitation of Archbishop Matthew Parker to the dean and prebendaries of Canterbury cathedral, 1570 || Injunctiones datae in visitatione Matthaei Cantuariensis 1570
Note: Frere, Visitation Articles III 237
70g-70l - Injunctions given during the visitation of Archbishop Matthew Parker to the dean and prebendaries of Canterbury cathedral, 1573/4 || Injunctiones Matthaei Cantuariensis archiepiscopi traditae decano et prebendariis ecclesiae cathedralis Cantuariensis in visitatione sua ordinaria et metropolitano. 1573/4
Note: Frere, Visitation Articles III 355
71-84 - List of stipends due to the dean and prebendaries and other ministers of Canterbury cathedral || The stipends dew to the deane and prebendaryes and to other mynysters of Chrystys church in Canterburie with the fees ordynary and extraordinarye takyn out of the tresorers boke by Mr. Milles prebendarie
Note: Frere, Visitation Articles III 355
85-86 - List of names of the prebendaries and other ministers of Canterbury cathedral || Nomina prebendariorum et caeterorum ministrorum ecclesiae cathedralis Cantuariensis
87-88 - Presentation of John Hill to a prebend at the collegiate church of St Peter, Westminster, 1564 || Presentatio Iohannis Hill ad prebendam in ecclesia collegiata S. Petri Westmonasterii per breve de private sigillo 21 Julii, 6 Eliz.
Note: Items 13-17 form a volume
Note: [13, 14 are on the flyleaf of 15]
88-88 - Letter assigning John Hill a choir stall and place in chapter at the collegiate church of St Peter, Westminster, 1564 || Literae mandatoriae ut stallum in choro et locus in capitulo eidem Iohanni Hill assignarentur, 22 Julii ejusdem anni
Note: [13, 14 are on the flyleaf of 15]
89-192 - Statutes of the collegiate church of St Peter, Westminster || Statuta collegii beati Petri Westmonasterii a serenissima regina Elizabetha fundati, ultimoque mensis Junii erecti, 1560
Note: [13, 14 are on the flyleaf of 15]
193-196 - Register of taxable goods for the provinces of Canterbury and York || Registrum taxationis omnium bonorum spiritualium et temporalium provinciarum Cantuarie et Eboraci
Note: Haec taxatio facta est ante erectionem novorum episcopatuum per Henricum VIII. summa utriusque provinciae paulo excedit ducent. mill. libr.
Note: (193) Change of hand at no. 16
Note: Cf. MS 101. 51
197-202 - Bull of Gregory V concerning the sums owed by the English episcopacy || Bulla Gregorii papae V. de quantitate denariorum per singulos episcopatus Angliae solvend.
Note: Hanc taxationem Gregorio V. male esse adscriptam ex eo apparet quod mentio fit quorundam episcopatuum qui eo seculo nondum erant erecti: summa omnium decimarum est CXCIV £. IV s. VIII d.
Note: Cf. MS 101. 52
Note: (197) Item 17 ends on p. 197: pp. 198-202 blank
203-240 - Statutes of Ely cathedral promulgated by Elizabeth I || Statuta ecclesiae sanctae et individuae trinitatis Eliensis edita per reginam Elisabetham
241-246 - Injunctions of the commissioners of visitation to the dean and prebendaries of Ely cathedral || Articles or injunctions gyven by Thomas Yale and Henry Harvey LL. DD. commissioners of Matthew archbushop of Caunterberie, to the dean and prebendaries of Elye
247-283 - Statutes of Ely cathedral promulgated by Henry VIII || Statuta ecclesiae sanctae et individuae Trinitatis Eliensis edita per Henricum VIII. ejusdem ecclesiae fundatorem, tradita decano et capitulo Eliensi per Nic. episcopum Wigorniensem Geo. episcopum Cicestrensem et Ric. Cox mandate et nomine metuendissimi regis 20 Junii 36 Henrici VIII
284-286 - Letter from the bishop of Worcester, George Day, Bishop of Chichester and Richard Cox, archdeacon of Ely, 1544 || Letter from the bishops of Worcester and Chichester and Richard Cox, that they had sent them the book of statutes which they order to be publickly read and every one to swear to the observance of them: dated Westminster June 23, 1544
287-290 - Order of Robert Stuard, dean of Ely cathedral, concerning the nomination of certain room and offices, 25 November 1551 || An order devised and concluded bi thassent of Mr. Robert Stuard deane of the cathedral churche of Ely and the chapter of the same, concerning the nomination of certein romys and offices, 25 November 1551
Note: A paper attached
Note: An original signed by the chapter; Matthew Parker was then second prebend
291-304 - Plans for the building of the King's School, Ely || The boke of the erection of the kings new college at Ely, with the names and porcion of livinge assigned to the deane and all other officers appoynted for the accomplishment of the same
Note: It concludes thus, And so to bere all charges and to paie the tenths and first fruits it maie please the kings majestie to endowe the church with DCCCCXXXV £. XVII d. ob. signed Richard Ryche
Note: Bentham's Ely, Appendix XXXIV. Cf. p. 225
305-312 - Incorporation and foundation of Ely cathedral by Henry VIII, 10 September 1542 || Incorporatio et fundatio ecclesiae cathedralis Eliensis per regem Henricum VIII. facta 10 Sept. anno regni 33
Note: Bentham's Ely, p. 225
313-318 - Royal charter concerning the endowment of the King's School, Ely || Summa cartae domini regis de dotatione collegii Eliensis contenta in quatuor paginis
319-320 - Letter of Henry VIII to Thomas Goodrich, Bishop of Ely, and others, 1542 || Letter of Henry VIII. to the bishop of Ely, sir Robert Payton, Philip Parys and John Goodricke Esqrs. directing them to assign proper dwelling houses to the dean, prebendaries and other ministers of the church of Ely, out of the buildings belonging to the late dissolved priory: dated Westminster 28 Octobris anno regni 33
Note: Cf. Bentham, pp. 226, 27, D. J. Stewart, Ely Cathedral, p. 248
320a-320d - Assignment of chambers in pursuance of a letter of Henry VIII to Thomas Goodrich, Bishop of Ely, 1542 || Assignment of the chambers in pursuance to the above order
Note: A paper attached
321-322 - Letter from Dr Cox and Dr Meye to Matthew Parker || Letter from Dr. Cox and Dr. Meye to Dr. Parker, on the affairs of the cathedral
323-338 - Valuation of all the possessions of the King's School, Ely || Valor annuus omnium et singulorum dominiorum, maneriorum, terrarum et possessionum, quorumcunque tam temporalium quam spiritualium versus dotationem novi collegii domini regis in Ely, in diversis comitatibus subscriptis jacentium et existentium assignatorum una cum omnibus foedis vadis pensionibus et aliis denariorum summis de eisdem sive eorum aliquo annuatim exeuntibus
339-340 - Decree of the dean and chapter of Ely cathedral for the distribution of £20 annually to the poor || Decree of the dean and chapter of Ely, for the distribution of 20£. yearly to the poor, made Dec. 8, 154-
Note: Also on p. 353
341-356 - Inventory of the plate, jewels and ornament formerly belonging to the priory of Ely, 20 November 1541 || Thinventary of all the plate, jewells, ornaments of the churche, implements of houshold corn, catail and other things belonging to the late priory of Ely, now left in the custody of Mr. Robert Welles gardiane ther, made the 20 daie of Novembre, anno regis Henrici VIII. 31o
357-358 - Polydore Vergil, On the foundation of the monastery at Ely || De instauratione coenobii Eliensis et institutione collegii monachorum ibidem per Ethelredam Innae Orientalium Anglorum regis filiam, ex Polidoro Virgilio
359-400 - Excerpts from a history of the church at Ely || Excerpta ex vetusto codice ecclesiae Eliensis
Note: [scilicet ex historia Thomae Eliensis], continent, historiam ecclesiae usque ad captam Insulam tempore Gulielmi Conq.
401-408 - Foundation and incorporation of Worcester cathedral by Henry VIII, 24 January 1543 || Fundatio et incorporatio ecclesiae cathedralis Wigorniensis facta per Henricum VIII. 24 Januarii, anno regni 33
409-479 - Statutes of Worcester cathedral promulgated 1545 || Statuta ecclesiae cathedralis Wigorniensis facta 36o anno regis Henrici VIII. et tradita per N. Wigorniensem Georgium Cicestrensem et Richardum Cox archidiaconum Eliensem
Note: Nota magistri Pedder decani, Architypus horum statutorum, ut fertur, cardinali Polo tradebatur per Seth Holand decanum tempore reginae Mariae, nec postea restitutus.
479-484 - Injunctions of the commissioners of visitation to the dean and chapter of Worcester cathedral || Injunctions given by Richard Davies professor of divinitie, Thomas Yonge and Rouland Meyrigg professors of the laws and Richarde Pates professor of the commen lawes, visitors for quene Elisabeth to the deane and chapiter of Worcester
Note: Frere, Visitation Articles III. 44
485-515 - Customs and statutes of Hereford cathedral || Consuetudines et statuta ecclesiae cathedralis Herefordensis
Note: pp. 485-515 are printed in Bradshaw and Wordsworth Lincoln Cathedral Statutes II 44sqq. On p. 43 this MS. is described
516-520 - Injunctions of the commissioners of visitation to the dean and chapter of Hereford cathedral || Injunctions given [by the same visitors] to the deane and chapiter of Hereford
Note: Frere, Visitation Articles III 47
521-606 - Statutes of Peterborough cathedral promulgated by Henry VIII || Statuta ecclesiae cathedralis Petroburgensis, data per Henricum VIII
Note: Frere, Visitation Articles III 47
Note: ends p. 598
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