St. Gallen. Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 670
- Source
- e-codices
- Library
- St. Gallen. Stiftsbibliothek
- Shelfmark
- Cod. Sang. 670
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 9th century
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Decretales Pseudo-Isidori. Epistolæ, Gregorii M.
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Arx, Ildefons von
- Role
- Librarian
- Original form
- Librarian: Arx, Ildefons von
- Other form
- Annotator: Arx, Ildefons von
- Scribe: Arx, Ildefons von
- Author: Arx, Ildefons von
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Clément I (pape, 00..-0097?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Author: Clemens I, Papa
- Other form
- CLEMENS Romanus (S.)
- CLEMENS I, papa (s.)
- Clemens I (pape ; 00..-0097?)
- CLEMENS I papa (s.)
- CLEMENS I (s.), papa
- Klemens <I., Papst>
- Klemens I., Papst, ca. 1. Jh.
- Clément I (00..-0097? ; pape)
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Ekkehard IV (0980?-1060?)
- Role
- Annotator
- Original form
- Annotator: Eccardus IV, Sangallensis
- Other form
- Ekkehard IV, 0980?-1060
- Eccardus Sangallensis, IV. 980-1056
- Ekkehard IV, ca. 980-ca. 1060
- Author: Eccardus IV, Sangallensis
- Commentator: Eccardus IV, Sangallensis
- Scribe: Eccardus IV, Sangallensis
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Grégoire I (pape, 0540?-0604)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Author: Gregorius I, Papa
- Other form
- Grégoire le Grand
- GREGORIUS I papa (S.)
- Gregorius I (pape ; 0540?-0604)
- Gregorius Magnus
- Grégoire I (pape ; 0540?-0604)
- Gregorius I
- GREGORIUS Magnus I (s.), papa
- S. Gregorius Magnus
- S. Gregorius
- Gregoire Le Grand, S.
- Gregorius
- Saint Gregoire
- Sancti Gregorii papae
- Grégoire I (pape, 0540?-0604)
- Gregorius Magnus (s.)
- Gregorii
- Saint Grégoire le Grand
- Beati Gregorii papae
- Gregorio papa
- Gregorii Papae
- Sancto Gregorio
- S. Gregorii Magni
- Sancti Gregorii
- Grégoire I (0540?-0604 ; pape)
- Sanctus Gregorius Magnus
- GREGORIUS I Magnus (s.), papa
- Gregorii [Magni]
- Gregorius (saint ; 06.. ?-07.. ? ; évêque d'Agrigente)
- Saint Grégoire
- Grégoire le Grand (Saint), pape
- Grégoire I, pape, 0540?-0604
- Grégoire le Grand, saint, 0540?-0604
- Gregorius Magnus, sant, ca. 540-604
- Gregorius Magnus, saint, 0540?-0604
- Gregory the Great, Saint, ca. 540-604
- Gregorius Magnus, Saint, ca. 540-604
- Gregorius de Grote (paus)
- Gregorius (heilige)
- Gregorius I, papa
- Gregorius Magnus, santo, ca. 540-0604
- Gregori I, papa, 540-604
- Gregorio I, Papa
- Gregorius I (paus)
- Gregorius Papa, I. 540-604
- Gregory I, Pope, ca. 540-604
- Gregory the Great
- Gregorius I, Pont. Max.
- Gregory, I, Pope, approximately 540-604
- Gregory
- Gregory I, Pope, approximately 540-604
- Gregory I, Pope
- Gregory I, c 540-604, Saint, Pope; also known as 'the Great'
- Pope Gregory the Great
- Gregorius I, Magnus, paus, 540?-604
- Grégoire (pape)
- Gregorius, I.<Papa>
- Gregor I., Papst, 542-604
- Gregor, I.<Papst>
- Gregorius papa
- S. Grégoire
- Grégoire le Grand (saint), pape
- S. Grégoire le Grand
- Gregor <I., Papst> (542-604)
- Gregorius papa I
- D. Gregorius
- B. Gregorius
- Divus Gregorius
- Beatus Gregorius papa
- Divus Gregorius papa
- S. Gregorius papa
- Gregorius PP.
- Gregorius papa, 1., ca. 540-604
- Gregory the Great, 540-604
- Gregory the Great, (b. c. 540, d. 604), theologian and Pope
- Gregory I, Pope (approximately 540-604)
- Grégoire le Grand, pape, saint (540 - 604) > Pape
- Grégoire le Grand, pape, saint (540 - 604)
- Grégoire le Grand, pape, saint (540 - 604) > Père de l'Eglise
- Gregorius (ca. 540-604)
- Gregorio I, Papa, Santo, 540-604
- Gregor
- S. Gregorii
- Gregor <I., Papst>
- Gregorius Magnus (Nachtrag: Catalogus operum Gregorii Magni monasterio in maiore Frankenthal anno 1486 pertinentium)
- Gregório Magno, Santo, 540-604
- Gregório Magno, Santo, 540-604 > , co-autor
- Igreja Católica, Papa 590-604 (Gregório I)
- Gregorius Papa I - ca. 540 - 604 - auteur
- Gregorius Papa I - ca. 540 - 604 - oorspronkelijke auteur
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Isidore de Séville (saint, 0560?-0636)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Author: Isidorus, Hispalensis
- Other form
- Isidorus Hispalensis (saint ; 0560?-0636)
- S. Isidorus Hispalensis
- Isidorus Hispalensis
- Isidore de Séville (saint ; 0560?-0636)
- Sancti Isidori Hispalensis
- Isidore de Séville (0560?-0636 ; saint)
- Isidorus
- Isidore de Séville
- Isidori Hispalensis
- Isidori
- Isidorus Hispalensis (?),
- Isidore (Saint), de Séville
- Isidore de Séville saint 0560?-0636
- Isidor, de Sevilla, sant, ca. 560-636
- Isidore, of Seville, Saint, d. 636
- Isidoro, Santo, Arzobispo de Sevilla
- Isidorus Hispalensis 560-636
- Isidorus van Sevilla
- Isidore
- Isidore of Seville
- Isodore of Seville
- Isidore of Seville, c 560-636, Saint, Bishop of Seville
- Isidore, of Seville, Saint, -636
- Isidorus Hispalensis, 560?-636
- Isidore de Séville (saint ; (0560?-0636)
- Isidorus<Hispalensis>
- Isidorus Hispalensis, 560-636
- Isidorus, Hispalensis, 560-636
- Isidore de Séville (saint)
- Isidorus <Hispalensis> (560-636)
- Isidore, of Seville, Saint, -636, author.
- Divus Isidorus
- Hisidorus Hispalensis
- S. Isidorus
- Isidorus Hispalensis episcopus
- Isidorus Hispalensis santo
- Isidorus : Hispalensis santo
- Isidorus Episcopus Hispalensis
- Isidore of Seville, Saint (-636)
- Isidore de Séville (0560-0636)
- Isidore de Séville (0560-0636) > Père de l'Eglise
- Isidorus, Hispalensis (ca. 560-636)
- Isidoro, Santo, Arzobispo de Sevilla, ca. 560-636
- Isidorus <Hispalensis>
- Isidoro de Sevilha, Santo, ca 560-636
- Isidoro de Sevilha, Santo, ca 560-636 > , co-autor
- Isidorus Hispalensis - ca. 570 - 636 - auteur
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Isidore Mercator (08..?-08..?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Author: Isidorus, Mercator
- Other form
- Pseudo-Isidorus Mercator
- ISIDORUS (Pseudo-)
- Isidorus Mercator (08..?-08..?)
- Isidorus
- Isidorus Mercator (Ps.-Isidorus) - ca. 851 - oorspronkelijke auteur
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
- An early copy of the so-called Pseudo-Isidorean Decretals, also called the false Decretals, or Decretals of the Pseudo-Isidore, from the Abbey of St. Gall, produced in the second half of the 9th century. This text consists of a a wide-ranging collection of falsified papal letters and papal decrees from late antiquity. Numerous—real—letters of Pope Gregory I are found in the rear of the codex.
- Place
- Preferred form
- Abbey of St. Gall (Switzerland)
- Original form
- St. Gall
- Other form
- Suisse (Saint-Gall).
- Kloster St. Gallen
- Abadia de Sankt Gallen
- Convent of St. Gall
- Abadía de Sankt Gallen
- Abbaye de Saint-Gall
- Abdij van Sankt Gallen
- St. Gall (?) / St. Gall
- St. Gall Abbey: Dominikus Feustlin
- St. Gall, Benedictine Monastery / Hermitage of St. George
- Cloister of St. Gall
- St. Gall Abbey
- Order of Service for the Monastery of St. Gall in the Directorium of 1583
- Joseph Leodegar Bartholomäus Tschudi (book decoration, perhaps the script as well) for the Abbey of St. Gall
- Monastery of St. Gall: two scribes at the behest of Georg Franz Müller
- Monastery of St. Gall, P. Aemilian Zeller
- Monastery of St. Gall
- Monastery of St. Gall, P. Johann Nepomuk Hauntinger
- Jodocus Metzler
- Commissioned by Abbot Otmar Kunz
- St. Gall Abbey (P. Johann Nepomuk Hauntinger)
- Monastery of St. Gall, P. Joseph Bloch
- Monastery of St. Gall, Fr. Dominikus Feustlin
- Monastery of St. Gall
- Abbey of Saint Gall
- Partially in St. Gall
- Monastery of St. Gall (P. Gregor Schnyder)
- St. Gall Abbey (F. Gregor Schnyder)
- St. Gall Abbey (P. Gregor Schnyder, P. Chrysostomus Stipplin)
- St. Gall Abbey (F. Kolumban Brändle; Brother Gall Beerle)
- St. Gall Abbey, P. Ambrosius Epp
- St. Gall Abbey (F. Martin ab Yberg; F. Notker Grögle)
- St. Gallen
- Abbey of St. Gall (Joseph Adam Bürke; F. Notker Grögle)
- St Gall
- St. Gall (possibly)
- Monastery of St. Gall
- St. Gall
- Monastery of St. Gall (Fr. Heinrich Keller)
- St. Gall (Fridolin Sicher)
- Monastery of St. Gall (Fridolin Sicher)
- [in part Monastery of St. Gall]
- Fridolin Sicher
- St. Gall (in part)
- Lay community of St. Gall, partly Monastery of St. Gall (P. Joachim Cuontz)
- Area of the Abbey of Saint Gall
- St. Gall (only parts)
- Monastery of St. Gall, possibly owned for a time by Fr. Gallus Kemli
- Community of lay brothers of the Monastery of St. Gall
- St. Gall (area near St. Gall)
- St. Gall, Abbey Library
- Germany, St. Gall
- Sankt Gallen
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Rights
- e-codices - Virtual Manuscript Library of Switzerland
- Digitisation